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everything for them, a person they could
        have known. A person they might have
 ALIYAH DIARIES  called “chayim sheli” or “neshama sheli.”
        I write this as I sit in Casa Lavi, one of
        my favorite cafés in Jerusalem. The girl
        opposite me is sipping tea and anno-
        tating a page of gemara. A boy is sitting
        cross-legged, absorbed in his book. A
        group of friends are softly chatting. An
        elderly couple is sipping their coffee. I
        don’t know anyone here, but somehow,
        I belong among them. Last time I was
        here, I noticed that the bookshelf inside
        the café has a wonderfully incongruous
        selection of books. The Coffee Dictionary is
        sandwiched in between Orot by Rav Kook
        and the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. What I Know
        About Running Coffee Shops sits beside The
        Story of Rabbi Akiva and his Times. It’s one of
        those small details you come across here
        that make you smile and feel connected
        to this extraordinary land and its beau-
        tifully eclectic mix of people. The daily   The bookshelf at the Casa Lavi café.
        fabric of life here is one that resonates
        with me as a Jew, a setting where I feel at   see the daily miracles and how, in Osna’s   a quick coffee and began chatting with
        home. I’m not blind to the extreme polar-  wording, having returned to Israel and   the couple next to us. As you’d expect, the
        ization in Israeli society. And maybe I’m   embraced the land, the land has embraced   man was Israeli – you hear snatches of
        naïve or overly optimistic. But however   us back.                      Hebrew everywhere in central London!
        our views might differ, I believe that all of                           – and we began speaking in Hebrew.
        these people around me in the coffee shop   And then there is our connection with   He’d been living in London for the past
        would be there for me if I need them, as I   Hashem. In Eim Habanim Semeichah, Rabbi   forty years. When I told him that I live in
        would hope to be there for them.    Yissachar Shlomo Teichtal writes: “The   Yerushalayim now, his eyes widened. “At
                                            essential point is that Hashem is waiting   meshuga’at?”, “Are you crazy?”, he asked
        Connection here takes other forms too.   for us to take the initiative, to desire and   me. The truth is, sometimes I think I am
        At Zechariah’s funeral, his sister, Osna   long for the return to Eretz Yisrael… when   a bit crazy for moving here. But I can’t
        Haberman, said, “I can’t even embrace   we, of our own volition, truly and with all   help thinking that sometimes in life, we
        you. So I thought to turn to the ground   our strength, desire and strive [to return   need to be a little crazy. Life may be a little
        and ask the land to embrace you. After   to the land], then G-d will bring our work   chaotic here, but it is also exciting. It’s full
        a few minutes I understood that I didn’t   to a successful end.” Somehow, being here,   of life, full of meaning, full of promise of
        even need to ask. The land embraces   I find myself just talking to Hashem more,   a vibrant Jewish future.
        you so strongly… there is absolute love   noticing His hand in my daily life. After a
        between the son that gave everything   hard day, He sends me whispers of encour-
        for the land and the Land itself… You   agement: a warm hug from a friend, an
        are together now.” While I will always   old man with a peaceful smile joyfully
        feel connected to England and to British   playing his violin on the street, a chance
        culture, a connection to the land itself   to meet someone new and wonderful.
        is something I never felt there. To live   These small boosts of love push me for-
        here is to be part of an ancient love story   ward, and I’d like to think they’re a sign
        between Jews and the Land of Israel. In   that Hashem is happy that I’m here, and
        the 75 years since the establishment of   that He wants me to be happy here.       Odelia Glausiusz
        the State, our people have revitalized this                                 is a graduate of English Literature
                                                                                     from Kings College London. She
        land and built up a high-tech democracy   I recently returned to London for one of   recently moved to Jerusalem, and is
        in the very place where, thousands of   my best friends’ weddings and was out   currently in ulpan learning Hebrew
        years ago, our ancestors first became a   with my mum one day on Marylebone   and working as a freelance writer.
        self-determined nation. It’s hard not to   High Street. We walked into a café for

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