Page 46 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5783 USA
P. 46


               On Moving to Israel

                                              Odelia Glausiusz

              t’s strange how the Hebrew lan-  Sometimes it’s hard. I get really homesick   say affectionately in supermarkets. In
              guage can give you an uncanny   and wish I could teleport my family and   England, if you casually called people
              insight into the people who live   friends here with me. I speak to them all   “my life,” “my love” or “my soul,” they’d
        I here in Israel. I learned a new   the time, but it’s the everyday moments   probably think you were high.
        expression in ulpan this morning. To say, “I   I miss – watching my younger brothers
        want to have a private conversation,” you   messing around in the kitchen, chatting   When I was in seminary in 2019, the news
        say you want to have a conversation “b’ar-  to my mum in the car, and laughing at one   broke that Zechariah Baumel’s body had
        bah einayim” – literally, “with four eyes.”   of my dad’s unique one-liners. I miss the   been found. Zechariah was a tank com-
        It’s a weird phrase, conjuring a surreal   comforting ease of having my best friends   mander who went missing in the 1982
        image of two sets of disembodied eyes   all living around the corner from me. At   Battle of Sultan Yacoub in Lebanon, at the
        talking to one another. It implies that a   the same time, I can’t fully express myself   age of 21. Intelligence officers searched
        private conversation means speaking to   in Hebrew. The bureaucracy is baffling.   for his body for nearly 37 years, and now,
        someone with your eyes as well as your   And of course, people stream onto the   finally, he was returning home. I went to
        words. “Four eyes,” or two sets of inter-  train before letting you get off (in London   his levaya on Har Herzl, and was struck
        locking eyes, implies that two minds are   you’d get death stares for doing that!).  by the sheer number of people there. I’m
        interacting, rather than just two voices                                not sure that there’s another country
        colliding. It lends a sense of gravity to the   But if life can be harder here, it is also   whose military is prepared to go to such
        conversation. It suggests that there is an   richer. There is an underlying current   lengths for its fallen soldiers. I’m not sure
        art to two people talking. And that art is   of connection that courses through the   there’s another country where thousands
        connecting to the person in front of you,   daily rhythm of life, a depth that shines   of people feel a strong enough connection
        speaking to them with your eyes as well   through those quirky Hebrew phrases   to a stranger who died close to 40 years
        as with your mouth.                 like “b’arbah  einayim.” It has a lively   ago to make the journey to honor that
                                            warmth that twinkles through everyday   strangers’ memory. But that’s the thing –
        I moved to Israel from London this past   slang as well. “Chayim sheli, ahavah sheli,”   the people who went to Zechariah’s levaya
        November. I can’t lie and say that I’ve felt   young Israelis squeal upon seeing their   didn’t see him as a stranger. They saw
        like I’m “living the dream” every day.   friends. “Todah, neshama sheli,” old ladies   him as a person, a person who sacrificed

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