Page 45 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5783 USA
P. 45

bubbling currents of life that flow within us and our
        great ambition for a full and complete national life!
        And now we are drawing close to the day when this
        side of the coin will be revealed before the eyes of the
        world. The movement for the revival of the Hebrew
        nation is bringing a revolution!

        When the Hebrew nation returns to its youth, when
        its young sons and daughters return to it, Hashem
        will bless us “לֹ ּ כ ָּ ב,” with “everything,” with complete
        wholeness. No longer will our evil inclinations rule
        over us from within, with its war of wills and souls
        torn asunder. And neither will “the angel of death”
        and “worms and maggots” (Bava Batra 17a) attack us
        from without. Then the younger generation will know
        to honor their “elderly” traditions and add their own
        links to the golden chain of our nation’s history. And
        one nation will arise, the Hebrew nation, the “daugh-
        ter whose name was ba-kol (לֹ ּ כ ָּ ב)” (Bava Batra 16b).
        And the daughter of Avraham Avinu will hear the voice
        that calls out to her: “Listen, O daughter, and con-
        sider, and incline your ear; forget your people” – forget
        the new people that you acquired and “your father’s
        house,” the foreign stepfather that you took for your-
        self (Tehillim 45:11). “Go forth from your land,” from
        the land of your exile that you made into your own,
        from your “homeland” to which your navel is tied, and
        “from your father’s house” which is bound up with
        the impurities of the lands of foreign nations. “Go
        unto the land that I will show you,” to your land, “so
        the king shall desire your beauty” (Tehillim 45:12), to
        “make you beautiful in the world” (Bereishit Rabbah 39).
        The Hebrew nation will return to its land, to the land
        of its fathers, and build there its home, a center of
        culture to bring beauty to the world. And “instead of
        your fathers shall be your sons, whom you will make
        princes in all the land… therefore shall the nations
        praise you, forever and ever” (Tehillim 45:17–18).

         Translation by Rabbi Elie Mischel, from Rav Yitzchak
        Nissenbaum, HaYahadut HaLeumit, 63–66 (1920, Warsaw).                                          

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