Page 13 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 13


       next year, free men. This year, here; next   Protective Edge in Gaza, and the   that our children
       year, in Yerushalayim, in Tzion, in Israel.”  struggle to return his body for burial to   are bored little
                                             Israel is not over. When Goldin was 17   tyrants,” he
            Sharansky on Freedom | I once    and a Bnei Akiva counselor, he wrote his   says.
            had the opportunity to interview   students a short and powerful message
      5Natan Sharansky. He recalled a        before Pesach. He began by telling them   “But sud-
       unique and historical Seder Night as a   that what is special about Pesach is the   denly, at the
       Prisoner of Zion in a Russian jail. There   stories.                       Seder, between the jokes
       was no matzah there, but he recounted                                      about  matzah  and  charoset
       how the entire night he spoke to the   “We all enjoy stories!” he wrote. Then   and the complaints about family
       other inmates about leaving bondage   he turned to his students: “We have   stuffiness,  we  reveal  who  we
       and becoming free. But then he asked   many stories in our own lives as well.   truly are: the children of
       the following question: “Imagine a    Everyone has his own personal story,   Avraham, Yitzchak and
       man sitting in prison in Siberia and   and all our stories are part of the greater   Ya’akov, who long
       a man leisurely walking the streets of   story of our nation. In the beginning,   most to bring our
       Israel. Who is free and who is a slave?”   there were our forefathers: Avraham,   children into the
       Surprisingly, Sharansky answered that   Yitzchak, Ya’akov, David… and now us.   secret of this eter-
       it is easier to remain a free person in   In this story, everyone can decide if he   nal covenant into
       prison. In such a situation, it’s clear who   is the main character, the protagonist, or   which our own
       is good and who is evil, and it’s easy to   if he is a supporting character whom the   parents brought
       cling to good. But in an open society like   story passes by. Do you lead your own
       our own, a person is faced with a surge   story? Is your story good? Is your story   us. We secretly
       of challenges and distractions and it is   connected to the story of Am Yisrael?   shed a tear when
       very difficult to make unbiased choices.   Does it advance us? Do you allow others   we remember our
       The boundaries between good and evil   to control your story? Are you truly free,   late  grandparents,
       are blurred. It is easier to indulge in   or are you a slave to others or to your   and another one when
       temptation. And above all, a person feels   desires?”                      we dream of our future
       he is free, and he isn’t even aware of his   Hadar didn’t know what an important   grandchildren.”
       ‘slavery.’                            role he himself would play in our shared   There’s a lot of chaos on this

       “It is actually within the kind of soci-  story.                           night, says Rav Navon, but first and
       ety we have the opportunity of living in                                   foremost, “it’s the Seder – it puts things
       today that one feels he needs to work     Putting Things Straight | Rabbi   in order.”
       hard to achieve real freedom,” said       Chaim Navon says that Seder Night   Sivan Rahav Meir and Yedidya Meir are pop-
       Sharansky.                           7teaches us that we are not what we   ular Israeli media personalities and World
      6     Our Personal Stories | Hadar     us into thinking that we are addicted   Mizrachi’s Scholars-in-Residence.
                                             thought. “The age of rating has misled

                                             media consumers, that we are new and
            Goldin was killed in Operation
                                                                                       Members of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
                                             cool, that we are restless innovators,

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