Page 8 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 8


                                                                                Rabbi Reuven Taragin

                          Seeking The Geula

                       Going On Right Now

       Being Geula-Focused                   This explains why our hope for and   identifying and facilitating geula pos-
             king exiled his son from his    anticipation of future geula features so   sibilities. This Pesach is a time for us to
             court because of the latter’s lack   prominently in the Haggadah. We begin   reflect on how the yearlong pandemic
       A maturity. Years later, missing      and end Maggid by expressing our belief   is meant to bring us, the Jewish people,
       his son, the king sent his minister to   that םִי ָ ל ָ שּורי ִּ ב/ל ֵ א ָ רׂ ְ שִי ְ ד א ָ ע ְ ר ַ א ְּ ב ה ָ א ָּ ב ַ ה הָנ ׁ ָ ש ְ ל,   and the world, closer to the ultimate
       find the boy and see if he had matured   and the  bracha  thanking Hashem   redemption. These ideas may include:
       enough to return him to the palace.   for Yetziat Mitzrayim includes “may   •   The pandemic reminded us of our
       Upon finding the son, the minister asked   Hashem our G-d bring us to new festi-  dependency upon powers beyond
       him what request he would make of his   vals and holidays.”                    our control, i.e., Hashem, Who con-
       father if he was given the opportunity.   The Geula Continuum                  trols the world.
       The boy responded, “I need a new pair                                      •   The separation and isolation
       of socks.” Surprised that the boy did not   Rav Kook (Yisrael U’Techiyato 28) took   reminded us of the significance of
       ask to be returned to his father’s court   this idea a step further by describing   our relationships with our nuclear
       and saddened by his lack of meaningful   redemption as a continuous process    family and home lif.
       aspiration, the minister could not rec-  that began with the initial Exodus and   •   The struggle  against  a  common
       ommend returning him.                 continues straight through  until the    ‘enemy’ strengthened our relation-
                                             ultimate, complete geula. Geula is not
       Rav Simcha Bunim of Peshischa used    a specific limited moment in time, but a   ship with others and brought us
       this mashal to bemoan the fact that   constant continuum. The Gra (Avnei Eli-  together as a people and humanity
       Jews focus and pray for their daily needs   yahu) saw the (re)building of Yerusha-  together as a whole.
       instead of for the geula, which would   layim in a similar way, and explained the   •   Travel restrictions helped us appre-
       return them to their full relationship   present-tense formulation of the bracha   ciate Eretz Yisrael, to where we are
       with Hashem in His land. Too often    of Boneh Yerushalayim in Shemoneh        unable to travel for the first time in
       we focus on the challenges of our daily   Esreh as reflecting the fact that Hashem   our lifetimes.
       grind instead of on the more significant   is constantly rebuilding the city.  As we celebrate our continued redemp-
       goals we have as a people.                                                 tion this year amidst (but, hopefully, on
                                             Redemption is an ongoing, constant
       Yetziat Mitzrayim in the Present      process. Chazal  compared it to the   the way out of) the continued Covid
                                                                                  reality, I recommend reflecting on how
       The Torah often presents Yetziat Mitz-  sunrise whose light increases slowly,   Covid has brought us and our world
       rayim in the present tense. The Ohr   bit by bit. This principle of the geula   one step closer to our ultimate geula.
       HaChaim connects this to the fact     continuum means that every event has   By doing so, may we show Hashem that
       that we are meant to re-experience the   redemptive significance. The question   we are worthy of fully returning to Him.
       Exodus anew each year. Yetziat Mitz-  is whether we recognize and appreciate
       rayim was not a one-time experience,   this significance or not.
       but rather an annual event.           Seeking Redemption This Pesach       1   See Midrash Shocher Tov Tehillim 22 based on
                                                                                      Yerushalmi Berachot 4b.
       Yetziat Mitzrayim is also the model and
       the basis of our belief in future redemp-  Rav Kook (Olat Reiyah p. 279) explained
       tion. Yeshayahu (11:11) describes the   that the reference in the Gemara (Shab-           Scan here to join Rabbi
       future geula as Hashem redeeming us   bat 31a) to ה ָ עּו ׁשי ִ ל הָּי ִּ פ ִ צ, seeking redemp-  Taragin’s  WhatsApp group
       for the ‘second’ time. In fact, the Smak   tion, includes constantly seeking geula    with daily Divrei Torah
       (Mitzvat Aseh 1) explains that belief in   possibilities and what we can do to help

       future geula is the practical significance   facilitate the process.       Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational
       of the first of the Ten Commandments   Though we should always be on the   Director of Mizrachi and Dean of the Yeshi-
       – belief in Hashem Who took us out of   lookout for geula potential, Pesach is   vat HaKotel Overseas Program.
       Mitzrayim is meant to include belief in   the most appropriate time to reflect   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       His future redemption of our people.  upon current events with an eye on

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