Page 10 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 10
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
When Erev Pesach Falls on Shabbat
Before Pesach One should finish eating chametz before It is forbidden to set the table and to
the end of the fourth hour. One should warm food for the Seder until motzei
his year, the Shabbat HaGadol
drasha is said the week before daven Shacharit early enough to finish Shabbat, after reciting baruch hamavdil
TPesach. Ta’anit Bechorot is on the meal before this time. The general bein kodesh lekodesh. Candles should
Thursday. minhag is to finish the entire meal by also only be lit after this.
this time, but one who wants to finish
Bedikat chametz is on Thursday eve- his chametz and continue his meal can Leil HaSeder
ning. Chametz is burned on Friday do so. Before the end of the fifth hour
morning, up until the fifth hour, but we one should clean his clothing and his In Kiddush at the beginning of the Seder,
do not annul it yet. One can continue to mouth well and sweep the house thor- we also say Havdala. (The order of the
eat chametz after burning it. oughly. The leftover chametz should be brachot is YaKNeHaZ: yayin, kiddush,
thrown in the toilet or damaged with ner, havdala, and zeman.)
The Shabbat Meal soap. If there is a large quantity, it can Asher ga’alanu: The accepted Ashkenazi
The best way to eat the Shabbat meal be left in the public trash outside the custom is that when erev Pesach falls on
is to eat kosher for Pesach food which house. One should annul the chametz Shabbat, min hapesachim umin hazeva-
was cooked in kosher for Pesach uten- before the end of the fifth hour. chim (opposite of the regular order) is
sils. If one cooks the food in Pesach said in the bracha concluding maggid,
utensils and then transfers the food to Seudah Shlishit since the chagigah (zevachim) is not sac-
disposables, one can eat chametz for On a regular Shabbat, it is preferable rificed on Shabbat, so the korban Pesach
the entirety of the meal without worry- to eat seudah shlishit containing bread is eaten first.
ing that chametz will touch the Pesach after mincha. This year, we cannot do e
utensils. so. There are three solutions:
Leil HaSeder on motzei Shabbat can
There are two solutions for eating bread 1. Those who eat matzah ashira after seem stressful and complicated, but
at the Shabbat meal: the fourth hour can eat matzah ashira it is actually a wonderful occasion. In
1. Eat matzah ashira. According to for seudah shlishit. all other years we arrive at the Seder
Ashkenazim, matzah ashira can only be 2. One can have seudah shlishit by eating exhausted from work, but this time –
eaten until the end of the fourth hour (sof meat, fish or fruit. we arrive at the Seder through calm
zman achilat chametz). It is advisable and rest. On all other years we arrive
that to begin with, the matzah ashira 3. Others divide the morning meal: they at the Seder from weekdays, this time
does not touch the Pesach utensils. say birkat hamazon, take a quick break, we arrive at the Seder from the holiness
wash hands and say hamotzi once again.
2. Eat chametz. It is advisable to leave of Shabbat! We have a unique oppor-
only a little bread – preferably one that Preparations for Seder Night tunity to reach an especially uplifting
doesn’t crumble, like pita, to be concen- Seder through holiness and spiritual
trated and eaten carefully. One should All preparations for Seder should be per- preparation.
be careful that the crumbs do not touch formed before Shabbat, as on Shabbat it
the Pesach utensils, and it is advisable to is forbidden to prepare. Anything which A more detailed explanation of these laws
place a disposable tablecloth on the table was not prepared should be prepared on can be found in my book, Erev Pesach Shechal
and remove it after eating the bread. Yom Tov, not on Shabbat. One should BeShabbat, published earlier this year.
One should shake off one’s clothing check the lettuce for bugs and prepare
before bringing the Pesach utensils and the foods for the Seder before Shabbat, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is Rosh Yeshiva of
JCT–Machon Lev and Head of Mizrachi’s
food to the table. For birkat hamazon, as well as ensure the Shabbat timer will Educational Advisory Board.
a small amount of bread in a bag or a turn off after the end of the Seder. One
piece of matzah should be brought to should also light a ner neshama from A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
the table. which the Yom Tov candles can be lit.
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