Page 7 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 7


                        Rabbi Joseph Bronner ל"ז

                                    Scholar, Leader and Visionary

            abbi Joseph Bronner was admired   Rabbi Yitzchak Hutner. He went into the   College for many years. Yeshiva College’s
            as a visionary, Torah scholar, and   diamond business with his father but   girls’ high school was later named for Dr.
      Rcommunity leader in Johannes-         continued his Torah study.           Leila Bronner. He also established the
       burg and Los Angeles, where he helped   In 1949, he met Leila Amsel, daughter   Maharsha Yeshiva, named in honor of
       build and enhance the Jewish commu-   of a Chassidic rabbi and valedictorian   his late father, Shlomo Aryeh.
       nities. He and his wife, Dr. Leila Leah   of Beis Yaakov of Williamsburg’s class   Through his teaching and vision, Rabbi
       Bronner, a”h, were deeply committed to   of 1948. They married and moved to   Bronner was a major force in influencing
       Religious Zionism and Jewish education,   Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1951,   the direction of religious life in South
       and served as leaders in the Mizrachi   after Temi, their oldest daughter, was   Africa. He inspired many of his students
                                             born. Yosel founded a diamond busi-  to move to Israel, and to become leaders
       Joseph (Yosel) Bronner was born in 1923   ness and became a DeBeers site holder, a   in communities around the world.
       in Berlin. In 1936, a guard at his father’s   great achievement. He was later elected   The couple followed their two daughters
       factory warned his father, Shlomo Aryeh   President of the Diamond Club of South   to Los Angeles in 1984. Quickly earning
       Bronner, that SS troops would arrest   Africa.                             respect for his encyclopedic knowledge
       him the next day. Shlomo Aryeh fled                                        of Jewish texts and wisdom in handling
       to Antwerp that night, and his wife,                                       complex matters, Rabbi Bronner was
       Chana, and the three boys – Chaim,                                         sought for his advice and began giving
       Yosel, and Shimon, followed soon after.                                    shiurim during Seuda Shlishit at Kehillat
       They attended yeshiva in Heide, where                                      Yavneh. He later published them in a
       Yosel developed a love for Torah study.                                    book, 10-Minute Torah Talks: Weekly

       When the Nazis invaded Belgium in                                          Parsha Insights. Rabbi Bronner was
       1940, the family escaped to Bordeaux.                                      President of Mizrachi-Religious Zionists
       The Portuguese Consul-General in                                           of Los Angeles until 1995.
       Bordeaux, Aristides De Sousa Mendes,                                       Mr. Bronner – as he was known in the
       in defiance of his government’s orders,                                    business world – served as the lead-
       had begun issuing visas and passports so                                   ing arbitrator of the Diamond Clubs
       Jews could find safety in Portugal. With                                   in South Africa and Los Angeles, and
       his help, the Bronner family acquired the   Yosel and Leila had two more children,   was held in high esteem for his ability
       necessary papers on June 15, 1940, and   Moshe and Esther, and became leaders   to create solutions that benefited both
       were able to cross the border into Spain.  in the Johannesburg community, where   parties.
                                             they were known as much for their ele-
       From Spain, they continued to Lisbon,                                      Rabbi Bronner was involved in many
       where they obtained visas to the United   gance and hospitality as they were for   Jewish organizations, charities, univer-
       States. After Yosel’s father had paid for   their scholarship and vision. He served   sities and yeshivot, in Israel and around
                                             as a volunteer rabbi at the Bnei Aki-
       his family’s visas, he distributed his   va-Mizrachi shul and was President of   the world, and leaves a worthy legacy to
       remaining money to those behind him   Mizrachi of South Africa, representing   his family and community.
       who needed help paying for theirs.
                                             Mizrachi on the Zionist Federation for   Rabbi Joseph Bronner died on January
       The Bronners arrived in New York on   15 years. They were founders and long-  27, 2021. He is survived by his children
       January 9, 1941, when Yosel was 17.   time leaders of Yeshiva College, the first   – Temi (Bernard) Monderer, Moshe
       Yosel, who spoke seven languages, stud-  and later largest Orthodox day school in   (Amira) Bronner, Esthie (Walter) Fein-
       ied at Yeshivat Chaim Berlin in Brook-  South Africa. Rabbi Bronner acquired   blum, and by many grandchildren and
       lyn, where he received  smicha from   the land and helped in funding Yeshiva   great-grandchildren.

                                                    ךורב ורכז יהי

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