Page 3 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 3

                                                                                             TORAT MIZRACHI

                                                                                        Rabbi Doron Perez

                       No Place Like Home

                          PESACH, PARENTING AND THE PLAGUE

      F    or over a year, the world has been   sacrifice. Sacrifices are normally divided   The only safe place for the Israelites to

           forced to stay home.
                                             into two major categories – communal
                                                                                  avoid the worst of the 10 plagues, the
           People have probably spent more   offerings such as the daily tamid and   death of the firstborn in every house-
       time at home than at any other time   mussaf offerings, or individual offerings   hold, was for each family to batten
       in their working lives. The most pres-  for different occasions, whether man-  down their hatches and remain within
       tigious universities in the world have   dated or voluntary. The only sacrifice   the security of their own homes. It was
       been devoid of students with all courses   defined as a home-based sacrifice, to   the home, and only the home, which
       moving online. And the salient result   be brought and eaten as a family, is   afforded such protection. They smeared
       of all this has meant that the home has   the Korban Pesach. As the verse says   the lamb’s blood at the entrance to the
       become the locus of our primary inter-  regarding the original Pesach in Egypt,   home, on the doorposts, as a sign that
       action with society.                  “On the tenth of the month they will   this was a safe house and no plague
                                             take for themselves each person, a   should enter.
       We have also experienced this focus on   lamb for each father’s house, a lamb for
       the home specifically on Pesach. Until   each household.” 1                Remarkably  relevant  to  our  current
       last year, many people had not spent                                       reality, Pesach means creating an immu-
       Pesach in their own home for years –   In Beit HaMikdash times, the Korban   nized home that any plague should pass
       and some for decades – enjoying the   Pesach was brought and eaten as a    over.
       plethora of Pesach programs that had   household, known as a  chabura in   Indeed, the way to avoid our mod-
       become an entire industry in and of   Massechet Pesachim. Only people who
       themselves. Others had been used to   joined together as a group could eat   ern-day plague has been through the
       large seders with extended family and   from that particular korban; no one else   safety of our homes. Avoiding contact
       relatives. All that changed and will   could partake of it.                with others, social distancing, no mass
       remain so in many places this Pesach   Similarly, in the prohibition of not   gatherings… while remaining at home
       too.                                  owning any form of  chametz, the     as much as possible.
       More than any other holiday, Pesach,   emphasis is placed on the home: “For   Perhaps the most profound experience
       in every aspect, is about the home. In   seven  days  no  leaven  is  to  found  in   of our Pesach today is Leil HaSeder,
       Shemot 12, the Torah introduces us to   your homes...”                     when we retell the story of the coming
       the many mitzvot of Pesach. Incredibly,   The very name of the holiday, Pesach,   out of Egypt. Once again, the emphasis
       the word תִי ַּ ב – home – is mentioned   is also directly related to the home, as   is on home and family. We sit in our
       in one form or another 15 times in this   the verse clearly states, “And you shall   home in our core family unit – parents
       chapter, regarding the Korban Pesach,   say ‘it is a Passover feast offering to   and children, or just with ourselves –
       chametz and the very name and essence   Hashem who passed over the houses of   and recall the story of Yetziat Mitzrayim
       of the holiday itself.                                                     and the meaning of Jewish history. In
                                             the Children of Israel in Egypt when
       The  Korban Pesach has the unique     he smote the Egyptians, but he saved   short, whichever way we look at Pesach
       distinction of being the only ‘family’   our households...’’’ 3            – its name, essence, primary sacrifice,
                                                                                                     Continued on page 4

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