Page 4 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 4


       Continued from page 3

                                                                                  the importance of politics but also its
                                                                                  limitations and dangers, relationships
                                                                                  between husband and wife, parent and
                                                                                  child, grandparent and grandchildren,
                                                                                  and siblings, are the most important
                                                                                  basis of freedom…James Q. Wilson put
                                                                                  it beautifully: ‘We learn to cope with the
                                                                                  people of this world because we learn to
                                                                                  cope with the members of our family.
                                                                                  Those who flee the family flee the world;
                                                                                  bereft of the former’s affection, tutelage,
                                                                                  and challenges, they are unprepared
                                                                                  for the latter’s tests, judgements, and
                                                                                  demands’.” 5
                                                                                  We hope to soon be able to celebrate
                                                                                  with our broader families and friends
                                                                                  and once again engage fully in commu-
                                                                                  nal and public life. We hope to soon
                                                                                  move outwards and return to shul and
                                                                                  society. But just before that, as we sit
                                                                                  together in our homes as a tight family
                                                                                  unit on Leil HaSeder, conveying and
       prohibitions and educational experi-  family followed by the travails of Yish-  discussing the essence of our story as a
       ence, it is all about the home.       mael and Yitzchak. The family saga con-  people, let us appreciate the quintessen-
                                             tinues with Yitzchak and Rivka and their   tial role of home and family, in human
       The lesson is clear.
                                             family, Ya’akov, Rachel, Leah and theirs,   history in general and in Am Yisrael in
       At the very birth of the Jewish people,   and of course a special focus on Ya’akov’s   particular. Home sweet home!
       the Torah emphasizes the most essential   sons, the tribes of Israel.      Chag Kasher VeSameach!
       foundation of any national enterprise –
       the home and the family.              The Torah is teaching us that a strong,
                                             sustainable and successful nation can
       Any successful society must be built on   only be built through secure homes and   1   Shemot 12:3.
       these core ideals. A society which under-  families. Life must be built from the   2   Ibid. 12:19.
       mines the integrity of home and family   inside out, from the inner family circle   3   Ibid. 12:27.
       tampers with the very cement upon     to the outer communal and national   4   The prevalent translation of Pesach as Pass-
       which it stands. It is no coincidence that   space. Rabbi Sacks, of blessed memory,   over, that G-d passed over or skipped over
       Sefer Shemot, which deals with the birth   articulates this so beautifully, as he   the houses, is based on Rashi (Ibid., verse 23),
       of our nation, is preceded by Sefer Bere-  always does:                        Rashbam (verse 27), and others. Rashi (also the
                                                                                      Targum) mentions an alternative meaning as
       ishit, which revolves around individual   “People who look to the state, politics   well – ‘had mercy on’ the houses.
       homes and families.
                                             and power, to deliver the good, the   5   Covenant & Conversation, Family, Faith and
       The first parshiot deal with the founding   beautiful and the true – the Hellenistic   Freedom (Vayechi 5780). The Wilson quote is
       families of humanity – Adam and Chava   tradition – tend to regard the family   from “The Moral Sense” p. 163.
       and their progeny, followed by Noach,   and all it presupposes in terms of fidel-
       his wife and theirs. We are introduced to   ity and responsibility as a distraction.   Rabbi Doron Perez is Executive Chairman
       Avraham and Sarah and their extended   But for people who understand not just   of the Mizrachi World Movement.

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