Page 12 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 12


                                                         Sivan Rahav Meir and Yedidya Meir

            Seven Thoughts for Pesach

          The Right Way to Prepare for       the world and goes free through great   one else can see it, to look at the world
          Pesach | Pesach cleaning days are   miracles. Pesach is to take a bruised and   positively without falling into the pit of
       1not the easiest days of the year, to put   wounded slave and to whisper in his   complaint; to be grateful and to know
       it mildly. “All of this cleaning is because   ear that he is not just a number. He has   how to fix.
       we are wealthy. Not me, personally – all   dreams, feelings and strengths. He has a
       of us. Every family lives in their own   purpose. Pesach is a holiday of the great   Freedom is to hold back from honk-
       home. There’s a room for the parents,   struggle of a nation and the readiness for   ing angrily at the driver who spends a
       a kitchen, a bathroom. Our houses are   a long and difficult journey, for a process   second too long at the light.
       full of furniture, clothing, utensils and   of deep, internal clarification. Pesach is   Freedom is the ability to see every
       food, so that we leave entire packages of   a holiday of simplicity: flour and water   person not as a means to an end - not
       snacks in drawers and forget sandwiches   in an oven. “Know how to enjoy the   as something to control or manipulate -
       we never even tasted in bags,” my friend   simple things,” said the officer. “Think   but as an end in themselves, as another
       once told me. How far we are from the   about Pesach. Live Pesach. Don’t let the   human being.
       ancient halachic discussions regarding   shallow discussions steal your Pesach.”
       a communal oven, or the one outfit a                                             Our Mayflower | In 1947, David
       person owned! I’m sure that every one      What is Freedom? | Pesach is          Ben-Gurion spoke before a UN
       of us has at least one great-grandparent   called ּונ ֵ תּור ֵ ח ן ַ מ ְז, the time of our  4commission of inquiry. In order
       who would have jumped for joy to see   3 edom. What is freedom? Rabbi      to explain our connection to Israel, he
       the immense well-being in which the   Eyal Vered says:                     spoke about Pesach:
       poor of our generation live. As my friend   Freedom is to take only what is needed,   “300 years ago, a ship called the May-
       said: “Every so often, I remind myself to   even at an elaborate wedding which   flower sailed to the New World. This
       stop the thoughts of how much I need to   serves enough food for an elephant herd.   was a  great event  in the  history  of
       clean and cook, and simply think about                                     England and America, but I wonder if
       how much I have.”                     Freedom is the ability to refrain from   there is a single Englishman who knows
                                             hearing or reading lashon hara, even if
      2                                      everyone speaks it and it bubbles up on   exactly when this ship set sail, and how
            Don’t Steal our Pesach!  |  A
                                                                                  many Americans know? Do we know
                                             all the websites.
            military officer  told  me  the
                                                                                  how many people were on board and
            following story: “This morning at
                                             and yourself that you have a wife and
       the bus stop, I heard two elderly women   Freedom is the ability to tell your boss   what was the state of the bread they ate
                                                                                  when they left?
        complaining that there is nothing to   kids, and you will not be able to work
        eat on Pesach. Yesterday, a friend   endless hours, to leave when the kids   Thousands of years before the May-
         bemoaned the difficulty of eating   are asleep and return when the kids are   flower set sail, the Jews left Egypt. Jews
           matzah and getting stomach aches.   asleep.                            from around the world, even in America
              Over the last few days, I’ve   Freedom is knowing how to live with   and Soviet Russia, know exactly when
               been seeing dozens of posts   the money you have, and not with the   they left: the 15th of Nissan. And every-
                on the pain of cleaning for   money you don’t have.               one knows exactly which bread the Jews
                Pesach. They’ve stolen our                                        ate: matzah. To this day, Jews around the
                 Pesach!” Pesach is the most   Freedom is the ability to control your   world eat matzah on the 15th of Nissan
                  revolutionary holiday in   words and remain silent, not to respond   and tell the stories of the Exodus and
                   human history: a nation of   to everything.                    the difficulties the Jews have endured
                   slaves dares to challenge   Freedom is the ability to work hard to   since being exiled. They conclude with
                    the greatest empire in   find the good even in places where no   two statements: ‘This year, we are slaves;

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