Page 20 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 20
Rabbi Zev Leff
The Fifth Cup… Ponder It!
he four expressions of redemp- in the desert, the Land would have been the matzah, the symbol of freedom, that
tion reflected in the Rabbinic ours in perpetuity, without the galut. they were able to truly appreciate the
Tmitzvah of arba kossot at the All was lost because they failed to take bitterness represented by the maror they
Seder are to a degree incomplete. The the time and effort to think, reflect and had previously experienced.
fifth cup, the kos shel Eliyahu, reminds ponder.
us that our redemption is only four- The turning point in Rabbi Akiva’s life
fifths achieved. We are left to ponder One can question the reason why G-d came when he reflected deeply on water
the fifth cup, not yet able to drink of its did not immediately drown the Egyp- eroding a stone. He concluded that if
sweetness. tians in the Nile on the same day as the soft water can erode hard stone, the
Exodus. Instead, He waited seven days, impermeable Torah could reshape and
The Sforno explains the four expressions requiring the Egyptians to pursue Bnei mold his supple heart. Millions have
of redemption as referring to the fol- Yisrael and eventually be drowned in witnessed erosion, yet only one Rabbi
lowing stages: י ִ תא ֵ צ ֹוה ְ ו – the lessening the sea. Akiva has appeared. All for lack of
of the bondage from the onset of the contemplation.
plagues; י ִּ ת ְ ל ַּ צ ִ ה ְ ו – the redemption from And if the matzah represents our swift
being pursued slaves that culminates at exodus to freedom and the maror rep- We live in a world in which we are con-
the Red Sea; י ִּ ת ְ ל ַ א ָ ג ְ ו – true redemption resents the bitterness of the bondage, stantly exhorted to simplify our lives,
and freedom; י ִּ ת ְ ח ַ ק ָ ל ְ ו – the consumma- why do we eat the matzah before the to do things quicker, without bother
tion of our freedom with the receiving maror? One reason given is that when or effort. As Torah Jews, we must real-
of the Torah at Sinai. After these four one gets used to bitterness and perse- ize this is not the Torah way. We are
events were revealed to Klal Yisrael, a cution, it becomes a way of life, and one enjoined to reflect and contemplate,
condition was added: ’ה יִנ ֲ א י ִּ כ ם ֶּ ת ְ ע ַ די ִ ו – doesn’t appreciate how negative the sit- and to fully and deeply realize what G-d
“Know that I am Hashem.” Then the uation really is. Only after experiencing wants from us. What should our goals
Torah continues, ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָ ה ל ֶ א ם ֶ כ ְ ת ֶ א י ִ תא ֵ ב ֵ ה ְ ו freedom and being relieved of oppres- be? What are our standards and values?
– “I will bring you to the Land.” When sion can one then reflect on and ponder For those of us fortunate enough to live
you contemplate all of this, you will be the previous situation and realize how in Israel – and most certainly for those
worthy to be brought into Israel. oppressive it really was. Only then can who are not so fortunate – we must
one gain greater appreciation of one’s
Tragically, the Torah informs us that freedom from that oppression. appreciate its kedusha and the insights
Bnei Yisrael did not listen to Moshe and its holy atmosphere affords us to ponder
they did not contemplate his words. Due When Bnei Yisrael left Mitzrayim, they the wisdom of G-d’s world. Let us make
to impatience of spirit and hard work, did not really appreciate their new- ourselves aware of the real implications
they neglected to think deeply about ly-gained freedom, for they had no time and benefits of geula, and the type of
what had been revealed to them, and to ponder and reflect on it. Therefore, lifestyle we must develop to merit it.
therefore, they failed to reach the levels G-d sent them on a roundabout route,
of faith and trust in G-d that were nec- for the slightest excuse could have
essary to make them worthy of entering caused them to give up this unappreci-
Israel. ated freedom and return to Mitzrayim.
It took seven days of reflection, coupled
Let us not pass over the Sforno’s com- with the danger of Mitzrayim pursu- Rabbi Zev Leff serves as the Rav of
ments without some deep reflection. ing them and the threat of losing that Moshav Matityahu.
Chazal tell us that had Moshe Rabbeinu freedom, to instill within them a true
triumphantly led that generation into appreciation of the impact of Yetziat A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
Israel directly, without spending 40 years Mitzrayim. Therefore, it was only after
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