Page 21 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 21
abbi Hershel Schachter
Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Bedikat Chametz
ashi comments on the open- from your homes” (Shemot The obligation of biur chametz is thus
ing Mishnah in Pesachim 12:15). That is why the bera- similar to the increased obligation to
R(2a) that bedikat chametz was cha is worded as ץ ֵ מ ָ ח רּועי ִּ ב ל ַ ע, destroy avodah zarah in Eretz Yisrael,
instituted in order to avoid potential as opposed to ץ ֵ מ ָ ח ת ַ קי ִ ד ְּ ב ל ַ ע, on where the bedika, searching out the
violation of א ֵ צ ָ מִי ל ַ בּו ה ֶ א ָ רֵי ל ַּ ב (having cha- bedikat chametz. avodah zarah, is considered the begin-
metz in one’s possession). Tosafot ques- ning of the process.
tions this explanation, since the simpler Rav Soloveitchik suggested that
method of bitul chametz (nullification of a parallel halacha that serves This understanding of the role of bedikat
chametz) is sufficient to avoid the pro- as the source for this notion is chametz sheds light on the machloket
hibition of owning chametz (Pesachim the din of biur avodah zarah. Rishonim (Meiri, Pesachim 6a) regarding
4b). Tosfot therefore maintains that the In discussing the destruction whether one who performs the bedika
chachamim were concerned that if cha- of avodah zarah specifically in earlier than the night of erev Pesach, but
metz were left in a person’s possession, Eretz Yisrael, the Torah com- within 30 days of Pesach, should recite
he might inadvertently come to eat mands: תֹומֹק ְּ מ ַ ה ל ָּ כ ת ֶ א ןּוד ְּ ב ַ א ְּ ת ד ֵּ ב ַ א a beracha on that bedika. What is the
it. They enacted bedikat chametz to ...ם ֶ הי ֵ הלֹ ֱ א ת ֶ א ...םִי ֹוּג ַ ה ם ׁ ָ ש ּוד ְ ב ָ ע ר ׁ ֶ ש ֲ א basis for the opinion accepted by the
avoid violating the issur of achilat אּוה ַ ה םֹוק ָּ מ ַ ה ן ִ מ ם ָ מׁ ְ ש ת ֶ א ם ֶּ ת ְ ד ַּ ב ִ א ְ ו, “You Rema (Orach Chaim 436:1), that we do
chametz. shall utterly destroy all the places not recite a beracha on such a bedika?
where the nations worshipped…
The Ran (Pesachim, 1a in dapei haRif), their gods… and you shall obliterate The explanation may be that one who
in explaining Rashi, writes that the their names from that place” (Devarim performs bedikat chametz in its proper
chachamim were unwilling to rely on 12:2-3). Based on this, the Rambam time, on the night of erev Pesach, recites
bitul alone because it is possible that (Hilchot Avodat Kochavim 7:1) rules, a beracha of ץ ֵ מ ָ ח רּועי ִּ ב ל ַ ע since it is con-
an owner might not effect his bitul ּ ה ָ תֹוא ד ֵּ ב ַ אְּנ ֶ ׁש ד ַ ע ָ הי ֶ ר ֲ ח ַ א ףֹ ּ ד ְ ר ִ ל ה ָ ו ְ צ ִ מ ל ֵ א ָ ר ְ ׂשִי ץ ֶ ר ֶ א ְּ ב sidered ןֹו ׁשא ִ ר ָ ה םֹוּי ַּ ב, and the bedika can
wholeheartedly, in which case it would ּונ ֵ צ ְ ר ַ א ל ָּ כ ִ מ, “In Eretz Yisrael, there is a thus be considered the onset of mitzvat
be ineffective. Therefore, they man- mitzvah to chase after it [avodah zarah] biur. However, if one does bedikat cha-
dated bedikat chametz to avoid poten- until we destroy it from our entire Land.” metz on an earlier day, since the mitz-
tial violation of א ֵ צ ָ מִי ל ַ בּו ה ֶ א ָ רֵי ל ַּ ב. Thus, vah of tashbitu does not yet apply, the
according to these Rishonim, bedikat In chutz laAretz, no such requirement bedika cannot be called techilat mitzvat
exists; there, the chiyuv only applies to
chametz seems to be required only on biur. That bedika is performed only for
a deRabbanan level. avodah zarah that we know about in an the purpose of avoiding the violation
area that we occupy.
It is noteworthy that the Rema (Orach of א ֵ צ ָ מִי ל ַ בּו ה ֶ א ָ רֵי ל ַּ ב or the issur achilat
Chaim 431:2; see Bi’ur HaGra) rules in On another occasion, the Rav explained chametz, and no beracha is recited
accordance with a different comment that it would seem from the subsequent when one simply avoids violating
of Tosafot (Pesachim 9a) and the Ran pesukim in Parashat Re’eh that as long issurim.
(Pesachim, 1a in dapei haRif). According as we have not fulfilled the mitzvah of
to them, if one has not yet performed biur avodah zarah in Eretz Yisrael, Rabbi Hershel Schachter is Rosh
bitul on his chametz, the obligation to the mitzvah of yishuv haAretz is Yeshiva and Rosh Kollel at Rabbi
do bedikat chametz is mid’oraita. The not shalem (performed com- Isaac Elchanan Theological Semi-
basis for this opinion is that the bedika pletely). The mitzvah of settling nary of Yeshiva University, an aliated
organization of the Orthodox Israel
constitutes the beginning of biur cha- Eretz Yisrael includes purging Coalition.
metz (destruction of chametz), which is the Land from the tumah
mandated by the passuk, ןֹו ׁשא ִ ר ָ ה םֹוּי ַּ ב ך ַ א associated with avodah zarah
ם ֶ כי ֵּ ת ָּ ב ִ מ רֹאׂ ְּ ש ּותי ִּ ב ׁ ְ ש ַּ ת – “But on the pre- (See MiPninei HaRav, 2001 A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
vious day you shall destroy the leaven ed., p. 320–321).
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