Page 46 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 46


                                                                                         Rabbi Ari Kahn


                            Jumping Into the Sea

              n the day of the consecration of   fire.” While this tragedy most certainly   amounted to a battlefield. On the other
              the Tabernacle in the desert, the   marred the joy of the consecration of the   hand, there was no need for Nadav and
      OTribe of Yehuda, represented by       Tabernacle, the day on which Nachshon’s   Avihu’s gesture. The fire they brought
       Nachshon ben Aminadav, was chosen     leadership was acknowledged by the   seems to have had no other purpose
       to be the first of the 12 tribes to pres-  nation, there is a far deeper connection   than self-aggrandizement. For the sake
       ent their offering. The Torah does not   between these two events. Nadav and   of “making their mark,” they performed
       offer an explanation as to why this tribe,   Avihu were Nachshon’s nephews, sons   an unnecessary ritual. Their behavior
       descendants of the fourth son of Ya’akov,   of his sister Elisheva.        was apparently motivated by the desire
       should now be first. In the Midrash,   Elisheva is introduced not only as the   to be important, to be famous, to bask
       however, Rabbinic tradition records the   daughter of Aminadav, but as the sister   in the spotlight on that important day –
       backstory: the distinction of being first   of Nachshon. Regarding this verse, Rashi   just like their uncle.
       to consecrate the Altar was bestowed by   transmits a bit of advice our Sages give   Rabbinic tradition criticizes Nadav and
       G-d – not to the tribe of Yehuda gener-  about marriage: when choosing a wife, a   Avihu for failing to consult another of
       ally, but to Nachshon personally.     man would do well to consider the traits   their uncles regarding their desire to
       Not long after the Israelites left Egypt,   of her brothers, because often the chil-  bring an unsanctioned offering – their
       they discovered they were being pur-  dren take after their maternal uncles.  uncle Moshe, who certainly knew a
       sued. The path ahead led straight to the   This insight into human nature may help   thing or two about Divine service.
       sea, and there was no way out. They   us reconstruct what happened on the 1st   The contrast between Nachshon on
       were trapped between the water and    of Nissan, when the Tabernacle became   the one hand and Nadav and Avihu
       the mighty Egyptian military machine.  operational. On that day, Nachshon was   on the other, provides an excellent
       While the Jews must have known that   rewarded for his bravery. He was chosen   example of real leadership in times of
       G-d, who had performed so many mir-   to be the first, just as he had been the   crisis, as opposed to opportunism or
       acles before their eyes, could save them,   first to take action on that fateful day at   shallow attempts to generate headlines
       they seemed paralyzed. One person,    the sea, when the Israelites were being   or make the evening news. Nachshon
       Nachshon, took initiative and leapt   pursued by the Egyptians.            was rewarded for his bravery, for his
       into the water. As the water reached   Nadav and Avihu, who took after their   bold step toward freedom and his leap
       his nostrils, the sea split, and the rest of   uncle, had similar gumption. They too   of faith, whereas Nadav and Avihu were
       the Jews followed him across the parted   took initiative. They offered a “strange   punished for their self-serving public
       waters to safety.                     fire” they had not been commanded to   relations initiative.
       Nachshon’s story is a shining example   offer. Perhaps they saw themselves as
       of the importance of leadership and   being like their uncle – who was lauded   1   For more on Nadav, Avihu, and Nachshon, see
       initiative. Often, people recognize the   by G-d and the entire nation on that very   Echoes of Eden: Vayikra (2013: Gefen Publishing
       need for decisive action and clamor for   day. Why, we might ask, were the results   House and OU Press), pp. 53-65.
       change. Yet this cannot take the place   of the nephews’ initiative so tragically
       of leadership, of the bravery of the van-  different to the results of the uncle’s
       guard who takes the first step – or leap.  brave leap forward?
       There is, however, a tragic side to this   Nachshon leapt when there was no
       story. On the very day Nachshon was   choice; there could have been only two   Rabbi Ari Kahn is an author, educator and
       rewarded for his leadership and his   outcomes. Either G-d would accept    Rabbi of the Mishkan Etrog community in
       display of faith in G-d, the first day of   his gesture as an expression of faith   Givat Ze’ev. His most recent book is “The
       the month of Nissan, something else   and split the sea, or the Jews would be   Crowns on the Letters”.
       happened. Two of Aharon’s sons, Nadav   slaughtered. His heroism was rewarded   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       and Avihu, died while offering a “strange   because he took action on what

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