Page 47 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 47
Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler
The Truth About
Yom Tov Sheini
he Biblical commandment to Rambam (Hilchot Yom Tov 6:14) and Soloveitchik and many leading Israeli
organize the halachic calendar, later, Rabbi Yosef Karo (Shulchan Aruch decisors have adopted the position of
Tvia the judicial act of lunar sanc- OH 496:3), contend that Yom Tov Sheini the Chacham Tzvi, and observe the Yom
tification, caused much difficulty for the observance today conforms to the cat- Tov in accordance with Eretz Yisrael
burgeoning Jewish communities of Bab- egory of minhag. Broadly stated, if an practice.
ylon during the Second Temple era. The individual is a temporary resident in, or In 1973, as a foreign student at Yeshi-
over two-week delay in receiving this visitor to, a second location with plans vat Har Etzion, two of my friends had
critical information from the Holy Land to return to the original location, he/she asked for Rav Amital to host a second
regarding precisely which day was sanc- must observe the minhag of the origi- Seder for them. He graciously agreed, on
tified as Rosh Chodesh meant that the nal location. However, if one relocates the condition that I come to this Seder
Diaspora communities were uninformed permanently to the second location, the with my guitar and play live music. Rav
as to when the festivals would fall out. original location’s minhag is no longer Amital refused to respond Amen to the
This triggered the rabbinic institution binding upon him, and he assumes the two boys’ many berachot at this seder.
to observe “Yom Tov Sheini” – a second new location’s minhag immediately. Instead, he mumbled: od beracha levat-
day of each festival – due to the halachic Hence, one may conclude that a tourist ala – another blessing in vain!
doubt generated by the lack of adequate in Israel today should observe the full Complicating matters, Rav Shmuel
communication. In Talmudic times, Yom Tov Sheini. Conversely, an Israeli Salant (19 century Chief Rabbi of
when there were no longer possibilities abroad could dispense with Yom Tov Jerusalem) agreed, in principle, with the
of a judicial act of lunar sanctification, Sheini (except for the concern of marit Ritba’s position. However, in deference
the 19-year calendar was launched into ayin, which would restrict such a person to Rav Yosef Karo, he recommended that
its historic orbit. Today, there is no from publicly performing Yom Tov-re- on Yom Tov Sheini in Eretz Yisrael, one
longer a safek regarding the precise day stricted activity). should abstain from doing Yom Tov-re-
of Rosh Chodesh. One simply checks On the flipside, the Ritba (Chidushim stricted activity while maintaining the
the annual calendar, and the information Rosh Hashanah 18a) contends that Chol HaMoed status of the day, an opin-
is readily available to all. The Talmud Yom Tov Sheini is defined in terms of ion adopted by Rav Soloveitchik as well.
(Beitza 4b) states that we nevertheless the place. Whoever is in Eretz Yisrael The reconstitution of the Sanhedrin on
continue to observe it in the Diaspora (permanently or temporarily) observes the eve of Messianic times will usher in
as a minhag. one day, while everyone in the Dias- an era when rabbinic authority will be
Overseas travel in the modern era pora would observe two days of Yom restored, allowing for the repeal of Yom
has given rise to an age-old question Tov. This opinion was adopted by the Tov Sheini. Modern telecommunication
regarding the status of Diaspora Jews 17 century Chacham Tzvi, who goes will guarantee worldwide knowledge of
temporarily residing in Israel vis-à-vis a step further and declares that anyone the Rosh Chodesh declarations emanat-
their obligations to observe – or not to observing Yom Tov Sheini in Eretz Yis- ing from Eretz Yisrael, and hence, no
observe – Yom Tov Sheini as practiced rael is in direct violation of the Biblical longer will there be a need for Yom Tov
abroad. A parallel situation – entirely commandment “not to add on to the Sheini at all. May we be blessed, speedily
reversed – deals with Israelis residing Torah” (bal tosif)! in our days, to witness this great trans-
temporarily abroad. Should they observe On the practical side, tourists in Israel formation. Amen!
the festivals in “Eretz Yisrael mode” who are followers of the opinions of the
without Yom Tov Sheini, or should they Mishnah Berurah and Rav Moshe Fein- Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler is the Rabbi of the
conform to the local Diaspora practice? stein conduct themselves according to Ohel Nechama Community Synagogue in
Great confusion over this issue exists Rav Yosef Karo’s position, and observe Jerusalem.
due to the two known polar-opposite the full-blown Yom Tov Sheini. Those A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
opinions on the subject. following the opinions of Rav Yosef D.
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