Page 49 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 49

VeHigadeta LeVincha

                                EDUCATION IN 2021

              ne of the main mitzvot of Pesach is to teach our children, to pass on our tradition to the next generation.
              Throughout history, parents and teachers have struggled with the challenges of education and parenting of
      Otheir times. Our generation, more than ever, is in need of guidance and clarity in this realm.
       HaMizrachi brings some of the top educators and leading experts in education together for a discussion on some
       of the most pressing contemporary educational questions: dealing with the challenges brought on by Corona and
       helping our children navigate our growing world of technology and social media.

         RABBI EFREM         RABBI DR. YONAH          RABBI DANIEL          RABBI CHAGAI           MRS. AVIGAIL
           Goldberg               Goodman                Kaplan                 Londin                Wonder

       Now that we’re nearing the end of     is not a sharp swing between euphoria   home, far from sight, and for some, with
       this pandemic, B’Ezrat Hashem, we     and despair, but a smooth glide between   the camera turned off, things fell apart.
       wanted to know: What are some of      the waves of life which naturally include   We learned that we need to invest much
       the things we’ve learned in terms of   ups and downs. The Talmud describes   more in cultivating children who are
       education? What are some messages     how Rabbi Akiva survived a shipwreck:   thirsty to learn, who feel responsibility
       we can take with us?
                                             ‘I held on to a board, and every wave   toward their own learning, and who
                   “The challenge of Corona   that came over me, I bowed my head   know how to do so of their own volition.”
                    has been an incredible   under.’ For every wave that comes our   But, he adds, Corona has also taught us
                    opportunity to teach     way, we must hold onto a ‘board’ – the
                    our children spiritual   Torah, and ‘bow our heads’ – to ride the   to appreciate that “we have incredible
                     strength. To teach      waves. This is what we must teach our   teachers, who dedicate themselves com-
                     them how to deal        children.”                           pletely from a deep responsibility to the
       with a long-lasting crisis,” says Rabbi                                    education of our children.”
       Chagai Londin, a prominent Israeli    According to Rabbi Dr. Yonah Good-   Rabbi Daniel Kaplan, an experienced
       educator. “We had to learn how to live   man, another Israeli expert in education,   educator and Torah programs director
       with Corona for an extended amount    Corona has taught us that education   at World Bnei Akiva, builds upon Rabbi
       of time, just as we need to learn how   cannot rely solely on teachers: “Just   Goodman’s words: “Education should
       to move forward in life with our yetzer   because a teacher teaches wonderfully   ideally come from the home:  ם ָּ תְנַּנׁ ִ ש ְ ו
       hara and other weaknesses. This kind   doesn’t mean the students learn won-  ךיֶנ ָ ב ְ ל, you shall teach your children. For
       of mental attitude that allows us to cope   derfully. In too many places, the respon-  so many years we’ve outsourced this to
       with regressions (which are probably   sibility of learning was mainly on the
       to be expected in the coming months)   teachers. The moment the children were                Continued on page 50

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