Page 50 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
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different educational bodies, but now we What have we been able to do during would be inconceivable for a responsible
have had the opportunity to be involved this pandemic that we weren’t able society to allow everyone, regardless of
in our children’s education directly. This to do before? age or training, to drive anywhere, at
is a message that shouldn’t fade when any time and in any manner or speed.
they go back to school. Of course we Avigail Wonder, head Non-regulation would be grossly neg-
trust our schools and educational sys- of Yavneh high school ligent and most certainly result in
tems but hopefully after Corona we will in Australia, answers: injuries and worse and the same is true
play more of a part in educating our chil- “As a result of the when it comes to the use and abuse of
dren ourselves.” newfound ease of technology.”
communication via
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Senior Rabbi Zoom, our teachers benefit “The number one thing I would be
of Boca Raton Synagogue, shares what from professional development from a wary of with a young person is how
he believes is the main message we’ve variety of overseas educators, who we much time they are spending online or
learned from Corona: ּוניֵּי ַ ח ם ֵ ה י ִּ כ – the can now seamlessly connect with. Our on their phone,” says Avigail Wonder.
Torah is as indispensable as the air we school ran a weekly Tanach evening “Social media streams to videos, songs,
breathe. shiur for advanced students, taught texts and images into the minds and
There is a unique law that the poles by Rabbi Menachem Leibtag in Israel. hearts of our young people for hours
placed in the Aron to transport it must We would never have thought of being every day. This media exposes our chil-
always remain in place and not be able to host giants of Torah Judaism to dren to a spectrum of values, cultures
removed. Rav Hirsch suggests that the fly out to teach our students, yet here and ideologies which they need to face,
perpetual presence of the poles com- they were, teaching and discussing and digest and make sense of – when they
municates the portability of Torah. The taking questions from people thousands are still trying to understand their own
Torah is not designed for one location of miles away. These sessions were so values and beliefs. The challenge is
and isn’t meaningful only for one point powerful and real connections were compounded by the amount of time our
in time. The Aron’s permanent poles made between our students and the children spend engaging online and not
reflect that Torah was, and is, always presenters, despite the distance.” in face-to-face interactions – which can
ready to travel, to accommodate and Online education and distance com- negatively affect their emotional well-
conform to what it takes and where it munication with loved ones during being. It’s important for them to have
needs to go in order to be transmitted. lockdowns showed us the necessity face-to-face connections each day with
and benefits of modern technology. family members or friends.”
Continuing school, class and lessons Is there anything we should be wary
for our children was incredibly compli- of when it comes to online educa- “Our children will acquire the skill of
cated and difficult throughout Corona. tion and social media? technology itself at school and mostly
Rebbeim and teachers had to learn and alone,” says Rabbi Goodman. “Parents’
discover new skills and talents. Tech- “Technology in general, main task is different. It is to guide our
nologies were engaged and deployed social media and media kids to dive into the digital world with
to ensure uninterrupted continuity of apps in particular, are a Jewish value-based compass. Anyone
Torah study. Our children were asked seductive, intoxicating who lives near a busy road understands
to conform to new rules and realities and, for some, addic- that the road is not the enemy, but it
like distancing, masks, school going tive,” says Rabbi Gold- can be dangerous if we don’t teach our
from in person to online, classes forced berg. “Ideas that are both children how to behave when using it.
to quarantine and then to come back. spiritually and socially destructive are The same is true of the digital world.”
As challenging as this year has been, it readily available and accessible. While Since, as Rabbi Goldberg mentioned,
has also enabled our educational sys- rejecting technology entirely is not a rejecting technology entirely is not
tems, teachers, students and parents viable strategy, neither is embracing a feasible strategy, it seems that our
alike, to discover a sense of resiliency it wholesale without boundaries and only option is what Rabbi Goodman
and devotion they would likely not have supervision. The benefits of technology said: to teach our children to navi-
otherwise known we were capable of. are enormous, but tolerating unbridled gate the digital world. Can you offer
Hopefully that lesson will inspire our and unregulated access for oneself or us some practical tips in terms of
children and ourselves and last well one’s family is reckless and irrespon- how to help our children success-
beyond when this difficult time is over.” sible. Car travel is invaluable, but it fully navigate the internet?
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