Page 37 - HaMizrachi #26 Tu Bishvat USA 2021
P. 37
Rabbi Yechiel Wasserman
The Celebration
of Eretz Yisrael
u BiShvat marks the cutoff for There are many reasons for this. Demo- relationship with Medinat Yisrael in
many mitzvot connected to graphic, social and religious changes three areas:
Tfruit and the mitzvot hat’luyot have brought about the materialization The first is the emotional-experiential,
ba’Aretz (the agricultural mitzvot par- of outlooks – ideological, cultural and encouraging identification with Israel
ticular to Eretz Yisrael). The source of religious – in Israel and the Diaspora. through experiential events and activi-
the Tu BiShvat Seder comes from Tzfat, Centuries-old Jewish communities have ties. The second is the cognitive – deep-
during the time of the Kabbalists. The disappeared or been diminished. On the ening knowledge about Israel through
first mention we have of this is in the other hand, new ones have been estab- multiple perspectives: history, geogra-
book Birkat Eliyahu, in 1728, in which lished and existing ones expanded, and phy, civics, security, economy, etc.
the author tells of Rabbi Moshe Chagiz, there has been a positive change in the
who encouraged Jews to eat 15 different social, economic and political status of And the third area, the most important
types of fruit and to learn 15 chapters Jews in many countries. in my opinion, is that of values. Educat-
of Mishna, and who claims that the Despite aliyah being an option from any- ing and raising awareness to the mean-
ing of the Jewish national homeland,
Arizal also did this. Over time, the Tu where in the world, and at any time, half the role of the State of Israel, and the
BiShvat Seder was formed by the sages of the Jewish nation still lives outside of fact that Israel is the eternally beating
of Tzfat and included eating fruits of Israel, with the vast majority of course heart of the Jewish people, a Land over
Israel, drinking four cups of wine, and in North America. These Jews – at least which G-d Himself watches, and the
reciting verses expressing the connec- the affiliated ones – have established place where the destiny of Am Yisrael
flourishing communities, synagogues
tion between Am Yisrael’s return to its and schools, and social and communal will be fulfilled.
Land and the nature and flora of Israel. services. So much so that many Jews
This was an attempt to highlight the do not see themselves as living in exile. Rabbi Yechiel Wasserman is Head of the
Center for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora
centrality and importance of Eretz Yis- They live where they choose and do not in the World Zionist Organization and one
rael and instill a love of the Land. This feel discriminated against or inferior. of World Mizrachi's representatives in the
beautiful and meaningful minhag spread Moreover, they can proudly wear their National Institutions.
throughout Jewish communities all over Jewish identity and live a fully Jewish
the world. lifestyle. The World Zionist Organization’s Center
Tu BiShvat is also a good time to nurture Perhaps the problem is that they believe for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora is in
Diaspora Jewry’s connection – espe- Israel is purely the spiritual center of the constant contact with hundreds of rabbis
and community leaders and conducts
cially the youth – to Israel. The Prophets Jewish people and not a place in which extensive activities to strengthen Jewish
of Israel saw the Jewish nation returning one actually has to live. identity and cultivate a connection to Israel.
to its birthplace from the four corners of In this reality, we must proudly declare: Among other things, we produce a range
the earth, but the reality, 72 years after דֹא ְ מ דֹא ְ מ ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָ ה ה ָ ב ֹוט, “The Land is very of educational kits and study aids. Ahead
of Tu BiShvat, we produced an illustrated
the establishment of Medinat Yisrael, is good!” Our responsibility is to rein- Seder Tu BiShvat in 10 different languages.
rather different (although that process force the centrality of Israel in the lives Materials for your school or community can
has indeed begun of course). of world Jewry and to cultivate the be found at
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