Page 62 - HaMizrachi #25 Chanuka 2020 USA
P. 62


                                                                                      Rabbi Yuval Cherlow



               any of us are familiar with   harmony among the peoples who        This painful transformation is the
               the well-known prophecy       visited Yerushalayim, we know that   basis for the 10th of Tevet. The day it
      Mthat the Torah and the word           just the opposite ensued. Under the   became clear the original prophecy
       of G-d will come from the holy city   leadership of King Nebuchadnezzar,   had not come true and proof that the
       of Yerushalayim. This is of course a   the Babylonian army arrived in the   Jewish people had lost their way. The
       remarkable vision unique to the spiri-  city with the goal of conquering it and   very essence of Jewish existence, pred-
       tual and physical capital of Judaism. In   removing it from Jewish control. They   icated upon ethics and morality, was
       discussing the prophecy, Rav Kook asks                                     no longer what defined us.
       us to pay attention not only to what it   had little interest in learning the word
       includes but also to what it lacks.   of Torah or G-d but were intent only   It would take many more years for us
                                             on destruction and murder.           to have the chance to regain our iden-
       Specifically, if we compare the proph-                                     tity and rebuild.
       ecy to what we have come to expect    This is one of the main tragedies we
       from other religions, we see there is   mark on the fast of the 10th of Tevet,   So while we have been blessed to
       no call to action that requires us to   because it was the point  when this   rebuild and in many ways restore this
       defend Yerushalayim or to enforce its   remarkable prophecy was proven false.  critical aspect of our national identity,
       holiness upon others.                                                      history demands that we remind our-
                                             Why though? What did the Jewish      selves of how we strayed in the past.
       The dream we foresaw for Yerusha-     people  do  to  deserve  their  prophecy   For while our history is defined by so
       layim was that all peoples of faith   of peace becoming one of hatred and   many tragedies and destructions, the
       would naturally recognize the city’s   persecution?                        greatest loss we have ever been forced
       sanctity and respect it as such. There                                     to endure is the loss of the correct
       would always be a global thirst for the   As with so many times in Jewish his-  spiritual path.
       holiness and the messages to emerge   tory,  the  answer  lies  in  what  we  as  a
       from the city. For generations, this   people did with the gifts G-d bestowed
       prophecy would hold true and the      upon us. A city slated to be one of jus-
       hope was that the city would remain a   tice, morality, charity and respect, had
       place of peace attracting and welcom-
       ing others into its gates. And indeed,   strayed so far from those ideals.
       over hundreds of years, Yerushalayim   And once the city had abandoned its
       welcomed peoples of many faiths and   identity as a city of justice, it was no
       backgrounds.                                                               Rabbi Yuval Cherlow  is  a  Rosh  Yeshiva
                                             longer a place where the pain of the   and a founding member of an organization
       However, while the prophecy cer-      impoverished  was  prioritized.  Crime   devoted to bridging the religious-secular
       tainly intended a vision of peace and   and evil prevailed.                divide in Israel.

                                                                      The Jewish way is to rescue hope from tragedy.
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