Page 57 - HaMizrachi #25 Chanuka 2020 USA
P. 57


                                                                                    Rabbi Chaim Navon

                            What Would

       Washington Think Today?

          n December 1777, General George                                         denies many citizens the choice of
          Washington and his soldiers fearfully                                   which school to send their children
      Ifled from the British Army to Valley                                       to. The latter outrages me a lot more
       Forge. On Christmas Eve, Washington                                        than the former since education is a
       walked among his exhausted soldiers,                                       lot more important than snail mail.
       who were hungry and shivering from                                         Educational  freedom  is  important
       cold. Next to one of the tents, he saw a                                   to me because education is import-
       soldier lighting a candle and whispering                                   ant to me, and freedom of religion is
       a few words, tears in his eyes. Washing-                                   important only because religion itself
       ton asked, “Why are you crying?” The                                       is important.
       soldier replied, “I am not crying. I am   freedom of religious worship.” Really?   If  we  erase  our  G-d  and  our  Avodat
       a Jew, and I just lit Chanukah candles. I   Did Matityahu ever hear of this? After   Hashem, our joy and our awe, the
       prayed that the G-d of Israel, who gave   all, this elderly  Kohen from Modi’in   Temple and the Altar, from the values
       strength to the Maccabees to defeat their   called out, “Whoever is zealous for the   of Chanukah, what will remain from
       evil enemies, will give us strength too to   Torah and keeps the covenant, follow   this beloved holiday? Freedom of reli-
       defeat our enemies. We will triumph.”   me!” Or, in the popular version, “Who-  gion will become about as important
       Washington returned to his tent with   ever is for Hashem, follow me!” ('ה ַ ל י ִ מ   as freedom of mail. And ultimately,
       vigorous steps, a new light in his eyes.   י ָ ל ֵ א).  He  did  not  say,  “Whoever  is  for   freedom of religion will also dissolve,
       This famous story ties the ancient    freedom of religion, follow me.”     because people tend  not to fight for
       nation of Israel, which has a very    I understand why gentiles looking for   things that are unimportant to them.
       young country, with the nascent       inspiration  in  the  holiday  of  Chanu-  For me, religion is a higher value, and
       American nation, one of the oldest    kah would find more universal values   therefore religious freedom is a higher
       countries in the world. It is exciting   in it. That’s legitimate, even desirable.   necessity. I’m not a relativist, because I
       and heartwarming to see how our own   There are truly messages like this in   believe there is truth in the world. I’m
       holiday touches the hearts of others as   all of our holidays. But when we exag-  not a pluralist, because I don’t believe
       well. No one knows exactly what that   gerate in diluting the original Jewish   in multiple truths. But I am tolerant
       soldier said, and how exactly Washing-  values in the holiday, we get a homeo-  because I believe there is no other
       ton remembered it. When I read dif-   pathic medicine which is 100 percent   way to live in our diverse and complex
       ferent versions of this story, it seems   water. On Chanukah, we want olive   society today. If everyone tried to force
       to me that, over changing times, it   oil, not refined water.              their values on others, our lives would
       has become more and more watered      George Washington himself was a      turn to Gehenom. We simply have no
       down, diluted. For example, Barack    deeply religious man, and through his   other choice.
       Obama declared that Chanukah is the   religious beliefs, he also valued reli-  Freedom of the individual is the only
       “holiday of religious freedom,” which   gious freedom. But if we turn religion   possible  institution for shared exis-
       teaches the right to liberty of religion,   itself into an insignificant trifle, what   tence in the 21  century. When it
       and  the fable of Washington and the   importance can there be to freedom of   begins to falter, our shared existence
       candle tends to be interpreted in that   religion?                         is in danger. But all of that is not con-
       spirit today. Less “G-d of Israel,” more   I am largely in favor of freedom. Yet   nected to Chanukah. Religious free-
       abstract rights.                      the importance of freedom depends    dom is not a slogan but an essential,
       In the Hebrew Wikipedia, the entry    on the question of what it comes to   life-affirming need.
       “Chanukah” displayed the following    protect. Israel denies most of its cit-
       strange sentence: “The main mes-      izens the freedom to decide which    Rabbi Chaim Navon is a renowned author
       sage of Chanukah is the triumph of    postal service they want to use. It also   and educator.

               Freedom is lost when it is taken for granted.
               We have taken ours for granted for too long.
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