Page 61 - HaMizrachi #25 Chanuka 2020 USA
P. 61


 Dr. David S Ribner

       •   Self-awareness – Gradually know-  assuming they are exempt from this       religious, the social, the emotional
          ing and understanding oneself      responsibility, naively and incorrectly   and the physical.
          cognitively and emotionally mark   assuming that this knowledge gap will   •   If your child refuses to talk with
          various stages of maturity into    be filled by school-based programs or    you, try this, “It’s my job and
          adulthood. Mastering this pro-     premarital madrichim. When we abro-      important to me that I share this
          cess further grants each family    gate this parental task, we risk chil-   information. We don’t have to
          member greater insight into the    dren becoming confused and poorly        discuss  it now, but  you  need  to
          lives of others, their hopes, expec-  educated.                             listen.”
          tations, fears and doubts.         As with emotional intimacy, we share   •   One final point, if the first conver-
       Every family’s journey is different and   here some guidelines to assist par-  sation you have with your children
       each journey requires adaptation to   ents in discussing the physical side of   about physical intimacy is when
       life’s changes and challenges, with a   marriage:                              you discover they have seen inap-
       primary goal being preparing our chil-  •   Our sense of sexuality is much     propriate Internet content, you
       dren for intimate relationships. Our     more than biology or physiology.      have not fulfilled your parental
       focus above has been on the elements     It includes how we and the world      responsibility.
       of emotional intimacy, but we should     around us see ourselves and each
       feel equally tasked with preparing our   other, and how we determine and   This is by no means an easy task, and
       children for physical intimacy as well.   respond to gender roles.         to the detriment of our children and
       These  two  facets  of  adult, marital                                     their development as healthy mar-
       intimacy – emotional and physical –   •   Make sure you are both on the    ital partners, few parents enter this
       clearly cannot exist as separate realms   same page and are clear about    unnecessarily feared realm with grace
       and thus both require our active guid-   your own values and expectations   and confidence. Perhaps the follow-
       ance as parents.                         before talking with your kids.    ing excerpt may somewhat ease these
       As a general approach, we should note   •   In this world of unrelenting con-  hesitations:
       that the core values and behavioral      founding media inputs, parents    “There are young people who do not
       expectations that guide our day-to-day   must be proactive to counter      know how  to observe the  mitzvah of
       interactions have equal application in   misinformation and unhealthy      Onah (marital relations)… because, to
       the bedroom. Making space for others     messages. We are our children’s   our great sorrow and distress, in our
       in our lives, respecting boundaries,     cultural interpreters, and if par-  time the inner bonds between father
       sensitivity,  supporting  each  other’s   ents are silent, children will not   and son, and mother and daughter,
       individuality and seeking to develop     develop the values they need to   have been sundered… matters of inti-
       together are all qualities which         make responsible decisions.       macy and knowledge of the private
       enhance a future couple’s intimate life   •   Stop talking in code or metaphors.   matters that transpire between hus-
       just as much as they enhance our com-    Children are naturally curious    band and wife… in previous genera-
       munal and familial fabric.               and need accurate definitions,    tions were transmitted from father to
       An initial issue of course is parental   facts and guidance. Be aware that   son and from mother to daughter with
       comfort  level.  Well-meaning  parents   your language conveys values and   love… (Sefer Kedushah, as quoted in
       may hesitate to raise issues with their   judgment.                        Marital Intimacy by A.P. Friedman)
       children regarding physical intimacy   •   Parents need to define and set   I am grateful to Talli Y. Rosenbaum for
       due to embarrassment, anxiety about      adequate, reasonable limits. Limits   her editorial and content suggestions.
       the response of their children (who      are essential to a child’s sense
       all are certain their parents know less   of security, and be prepared for   Dr. David S Ribner, a certified intimacy ther-
       than they do), feeling uncertain in a    adjustments as children mature.   apist, earned his Smicha and MSW degree
       rapidly changing world or simply lack-  •   Messages about marital intimacy   from Yeshiva University and his doctorate
       ing communication tools.                 must  also  include emphasis  on   from Columbia University. His latest book,
                                                                                  co-authored with Talli Rosenbaum, is “I Am
       In addition, some parents may have       the broader relationship con-     For My Beloved: a guide to enhanced inti-
       fallen  into  a  sense  of  complacency,   text, a context which includes the   macy for married couples.”

               Marriage is a journey across an unknown land with nothing to
               protect you from the elements except one another.
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