Page 11 - HaMizrachi_Chayei Sarah_USA_2020
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Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
The Perfect Partnership
hayei Sarah is the parasha that there. He chose Avraham and leaves In this sense, Sarah is not just an
concludes the story of Avra- Avraham to actualize that choice escort on Avraham’s physical and
Cham and Sarah. It begins with through meaningful living. Avraham spiritual journey, but a full partner
Sarah’s death and burial in Ma’arat understands his role is 'ה ם ׁ ֵ ש ְּ ב אֹר ְ ק ִ ל, “to in his mission and in the creation of
HaMachpelah, and ends with Avra- call in G-d’s Name.” the House of Israel. This is also the
ham’s death and burial in the same impression we receive from the well-
place, at which the Torah empha- Sometimes, G-d explicitly commands known midrash (Bereishit Rabbah,
sizes they are both buried “in Ma’arat us what to do, but sometimes our Lech Lecha, 39): “Avraham would
HaMachpelah… the field that Avra- obligation is to work it out for convert the men and Sarah would
ham bought from the Bnei Chet, ourselves. What does G-d want convert the women.”
where Avraham and Sarah his wife are from me right now? And then, our
buried” (Bereishit 25:8-10). recognition of G-d does not come Amongst other things, this
from an external command, but partnership manifested itself in the
“” The very first thing we from a deep, authentic and internal words of Yishayahu who calls the
awareness. Avraham symbolizes the
people to “look to the rock from which
hear about Avraham is
journey and the process, of constant
his marriage to Sarah, self-searching for the will of G-d. you were hewn… look to Avraham
your forefather and to Sarah who gave
and it soon becomes Sarah, initially, appears as a woman birth to you…” (Yishayahu 51:2).
clear that their life dedicated to her husband’s ‘life work,’ Avraham and Sarah, our first mother
path is a joint mission. and somewhat lives in his shadow and father, built the foundations of
while totally identifying with the
our nation – together, listening to the
cause and personifying self-sacrifice Divine command echoing in reality
It is no coincidence that the Torah reit- and devotion to it. Together with and guiding their mission to call in
erates their mutual burial, for, from the Avraham, she leaves everything and G-d’s Name in the world. Together.
first moment they appear on the scene, embarks on the trek to Eretz Yisrael.
the Torah treats them as a couple, almost Together, they go down to Egypt and Avraham and Sarah are surrogate
as one unit. The very first thing we she complies with Avraham’s plans – parents to all those many people,
hear about Avraham is his marriage to at great personal risk – to save himself from all nations, whom they cared for
Sarah (Bereishit 11: 29-30), and it soon from Pharaoh (Bereishit 12), and during their lifetimes, and they are the
becomes clear that their life path is a together, but at his bidding, she hosts couple that serves as an example for all
joint mission, with both of them setting their guests. subsequent Jewish families to continue
out to fulfill the first of G-d’s commands their path of mutual service of G-d.
to Avraham: ּך ֶ א ְ ר ַ א ר ׁ ֶ ש ֲ א ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָ ה ל ֶ א ...ך ְ ל ך ֶ ל, However, Sarah is not only a supportive
“Go for yourself to the Land which I will wife but also an active, initiating charac-
show you.” ter. After 10 years without a child, it is
she who urges Avraham to marry Hagar.
There are two aspects to this voyage to And after Yitzchak is born, it is she who
a yet unknown destination: following
G-d’s instructions and understanding demands that Avraham expel Yishmael,
what He wants, and a lot of personal whom she discerns is ruining Yitzchak’s
initiative and independent thinking. education. Indeed, G-d is on her side,
so to speak: ע ַ מ ׁ ְ ש ה ָ רׂ ָ ש ךי ֶ ל ֵ א ר ַ מא ּ ֹת ר ׁ ֶ ש ֲ א ל ּ ֹכ Rabbanit Sharon Rimon teaches Tanach
Even when Avraham does reach the ּ ה ָ לֹק ְּ ב, “Anything Sarah says to you, listen and is Content Editor for the HaTanakh
Land, G-d does not tell him what to do to her voice!” website.
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