Page 3 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 3


             ast November, just three   with it, her confidence after doing well   Miriam’s sons possessed her spirit.
             months after we made Aliyah,   on her first  Bagrut (Matriculation)   After Uriel was killed in 1998, she
             a well-meaning friend in New   test, and that time her sister found   found a note in his drawer. Uriel wrote,
      LJersey asked me: “Have your     the right words to order an iced coffee   “With all the thorns and barbs that
      kids adjusted yet?” Taken aback, I   (the slushy kind, obviously) in Hebrew.   have scratched my body, you could put
      was reminded of the regular feature   We celebrate those moments!   together a three-foot hedge. But these
      in MAD magazine called “Snappy                                    aren’t just ordinary thorns – they’re
      Answers to Stupid Questions.” What I   But the longer we live here, the more I   thorns from the Land of Israel, and
      wanted to answer was: “Adjusted? Are   realize that there is another source of   whoever lives in this country must
      you insane? I just brought my high   strength and inspiration available to my   know how to accept these thorns with
      school and middle school daughters   daughters. For they are part of a nation   love.” (Ibid., p.340)
      across the ocean on  Aliyah. It’s a   that is blessed with incredible role
      miracle they don’t hate me every day!”   models of strength and courage, with   As we navigate the mundane travails
      Of course, what I actually said was:   women who teach the rest of us how to   of Aliyah, the awesome sacrifice and
      “Adjusted yet? Umm… not exactly. It’s   overcome – women like Miriam Peretz.  strength of the Peretz family reminds
      a process.”                      We all know of her sacrifice; how could   me – and my daughters – that we are
                                                                        far stronger than we realize. If Miriam
      Adolescence  anywhere can be     we not? Two of her sons, Uriel and   can laugh, if Miriam can overcome, if
      challenging, and Aliyah has a way of   Eliraz, gave their lives to protect us;   Miriam can make room in her heart
      intensifying those challenges. New   her husband, Eliezer, died of a broken   for others, so can we.
      schools, trying to make new friends, all   heart. And yet, somehow, she continues
      while sitting through class after class in   to live, lead and inspire our nation.   This Pesach, may we merit to see the
      rapid-fire Hebrew – it’s enough to drive   “Our spirit is strong, and even if I hurt   final redemption that will, once and
      an adult crazy, let alone teenage girls   and cry over the deaths of my sons and   for all, heal our broken hearts, wipe
      still searching for their own identities.   my husband Eliezer, I am not broken.   away our tears and reunite us with all
      The Rabbis say that the Land of Israel   You can’t break a spirit. It grows   those we love – in joy!
      is a gift that is only acquired through   stronger and takes on new forms of
      suffering; clearly, they also tried to   giving and dedication, of connection to
      learn geometry in Hebrew!
                                       this land and our heritage. Out of the   Elie Mischel
      Fortunately, there are also plenty of   darkness that visited our family and
      small victories. My older daughter’s   many other families in Israel, every
      joy in learning to take the bus to   day I choose to spread light.” (Miriam’s   Rabbi Elie Mischel
      Jerusalem and the freedom that comes   Song, p.335)               Editor


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