Page 6 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 6

Reaching Out to
    Rabbi Hart
                                  All of Am Yisrael:

                                The Mizrachi Way

                          or Religious Zionists and   we may live, Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael,   From its founding until today, Mizrachi
                          HaMizrachi magazine, this   Medinat Yisrael and Torat Yisrael are at   has consistently looked outwards,
                          has been a year of celebration   the forefront of our consciousness.  concerned for the welfare of all Jews –
                   F marking 120 years since the                                     whether we agree ideologically or not.
                   founding of Mizrachi in 1902. But the   Years ago, when I was a student at the   Each of us has a responsibility to be a
                                                    University of Pennsylvania, I founded
                   story of Mizrachi really begins with   an organization called Heart to Heart   merkaz ruchani, a centering spiritual
                   the first Zionist Congress in 1897, when   (H2H), with a simple mission: to   force, for all of Am Yisrael. I left Israel
                   Theodor Herzl and others gathered   include uninvolved students in Jewish   with a renewed passion for this work,
                   in Basel to start the modern Zionist   life by enabling involved Jewish   and with the excitement and energy
                   project. Secular in nature, modern   students to share meaningful positive   of 200 young Jews ready to bring this
                   Zionism was a far cry from the biblical   Jewish experiences and relationships   vision back to America.
                   Zionism that had sustained our people   with their peers. During a recent trip
                   through centuries of exile, and so   to Israel, it struck me that this mission   As we celebrate the season of our
                   most religious leaders steered clear of   also lies at the very heart of Mizrachi.  redemption, we must remember
                   Herzl in those early years – until 1902,                          Mizrachi’s commitment to actively
                   when Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Reines   In Israel for the first time in two   work to advance the process of
                   and others changed the dynamic.   years, I  had  the joy  and  honor  of   redemption. We must not remain on
                   Rabbi Reines argued that despite our   speaking to hundreds of students in   the sidelines of history, content to
                   disagreements, religious Jews must   Mizrachi leadership programs  and   spend our days in our own narrow
                   join and influence the direction of   Mizrachi-affiliated gap year yeshivot   silos with people just like us, but
                   the movement. Religious Jews would   and  midrashot. We spoke about   rather reach out to our fellow Jews
                   be “Mizrachi”, the merkaz ruchani, the   what it means to be an ambassador   and welcome them into our homes
                   spiritual center of the movement.   for Mizrachi when they go back   and communities. May we find the
                   Bringing a spiritual, religious, and   to campuses and communities in   strength to reach out with love to
                   G-dly perspective to modern Zionism   the Diaspora, about being involved   all of Am Yisrael, and bring the final
                   and, ultimately, the State of Israel.  with and influencing their Jewish   redemption!
                                                    community, and taking responsibility
                   To  this day,  the  Mizrachi ethos   for the broader Jewish population
                   has remained consistent. Mizrachi   in their vicinity. In a session with
                   communities and Mizrachi shlichim   Mizrachi semicha students, we worked
                   do not simply say Hallel on Yom   together to define the unique genre
                   HaAtzmaut or march in the Israeli Day   of “Mizrachi outreach”, distinct from   Rabbi Hart Levine is RZA-Mizrachi’s Senior
                   Parade. A Mizrachi Jew believes that   Charedi or Chabad outreach, that is   Educator for Leadership and Learning
                   we are a part of something far greater   rooted in Ahavat Yisrael and a love of   helping connect the next generation to the
                   than ourselves. Wherever in the world   the State of Israel.      ideals of Mizrachi.

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