Page 5 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
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of the spies, resulting in the tragic                             touched me deeply. Every one of her
      death of the entire generation. Given                             many grandchildren was convinced
      the consequences, why did Hashem                                  that he or she was her favorite. Her
      choose to redeem us from Egypt in   Sustainable change may begin   deep care and sensitivity for everyone
      haste?                                                            she encountered, from kings and
                                         with revolution, but is made
      Our Sages explain that during the   lasting through evolution.    queens to simple people; no one was
      years of slavery our people had sunk to                           more or less important in her eyes.
      the 49th level of spiritual impurity. We                          Her deep faith in Hashem, the Shema
      were at the precipice of oblivion; had   It is this spirit of revolution through   that was constantly on her lips and
      Hashem not redeemed us immediately,   evolution that we so deeply believe   the gratitude in her heart. The endless
      it may have spelled the end.  In   in at Mizrachi. Our Torah is both   causes she dedicated her life to with
      extreme circumstances, where there   inherently timeless and relevant   grace and self-sacrifice, while always
      is no other choice, revolution may be   to every generation. Through the   prioritizing her family. She was a
      necessary. But revolution, on its own,   genius of the Oral Torah, our Sages   leader par excellence who challenged
      does not lead to lasting change.  demonstrate that Torah speaks to all   her children and grandchildren to “be
                                       epochs and aspects of life, balancing
      This may be why Avraham’s idol-  the need for revolutionary change with   leaders, not followers. Take personal
      bashing revolution is not mentioned   a deep respect for the process, mesorah   responsibility to make a difference for
      explicitly in the Torah, but found   and integrity of halachah. Jewish living   Klal Yisrael, wherever you find yourself.”
      only in the Midrash. The Torah, in   must simultaneously be both forward-  We dedicate this edition of HaMizrachi,
      fact, describes Avraham’s warm   thinking and conservative, pushing   highlighting  the  contributions  of
      relationships with his idolatrous   boundaries but never beyond the pale.  Religious Zionist women leaders, to
      neighbors, treating them with                                     her life and legacy of leadership. May
      kindness and respect. How can we   The same principles form the basis   her memory be for a blessing.
                                       of our views on women’s leadership,
      reconcile the simple reading of the text   Torah scholarship and empowerment.
      with the Sages’ portrayal of Avraham   There is so much room within halachah,
      as a revolutionary?                                               1. Shemot 12:11,39; Devarim 16:3.
                                       as guided by our great rabbinic
      Our Sages are highlighting Avraham’s   authorities, to explore every possible   2. Rashi, Shemot 12:11.
      revolutionary spirit; all Jews, and   vista of expression and progress   3. Mishnah Pesachim 9:5 cites ןֹוז ּ פ ִח as difference
      certainly our founding father, must   in these areas. At the same time,   between םִי ַר ְצ ִמ ח ַס ֶּ פ and תֹורֹו ּ ד ח ַס ֶּ פ.
      be intolerant of injustice and possess   revolutionary changes must take place
      a burning desire to improve the world.   in an evolutionary way that uplifts   4. Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 472:8.
      At the same time, the Torah highlights   the whole system in a constructive,   5. Yeshayahu 52:11.
      the other side of the coin: that if a   sustainable and transformative way.   6.  Siddur of the Ari z”l on the  Haggadah;  Or
      revolutionary spirit  is not coupled   The redemptions of Purim and Pesach   HaChayim, Shemot 3:8.
      with genuine respect for people and   were, in large part, thanks to the
      an understanding that sustainable   innovative and courageous leadership   7. Classic examples include the French
                                                                        Revolution, which began in idealism and ended
      change takes time, destructive   roles of Jewish women like Esther,   with the Reign of Terror and the guillotine, and
      consequences will ensue. 7       Yocheved, Miriam, Shifrah and Puah. 8   the October Revolution of 1917, which led to
      At the same time, change through   In this spirit, Mizrachi is proud to   the evils of the Soviet Union and the death of
      evolution alone can take millions of   feature the extraordinary impact that
      years. In many cases, stagnancy and   Religious Zionist women are making   8.  Although  these  festivals  are  time-bound,
                                                                        women are fully obligated in the mitzvot on
      rote adherence to social norms can   on our national and spiritual life.   both festivals, for they too were part of the
      prevent necessary change from taking   I write these words having just returned   redemption. Rashi and Rashbam explain this
      place. And so the evolutionary process   from the funeral of a remarkable leader   to mean that women played an indispensable
      desperately needs the revolutionary   of our generation – Julia Koschitzky z”l.   leadership role in bringing about the redemption.
      spirit. It is only by combining the two   I was absolutely blown away by what
      that successful and sustainable change   her children and grandchildren shared   Rabbi Doron Perez is the Executive Chairman
      can occur; we must have it both ways.  about her; so much of what they said   of World Mizrachi.

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