Page 4 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 4


                                     through Evolution
    Rabbi Doron

                            Redemption, Women Leaders, and

                          the Nature of Spiritual Renaissance

                           t the core of Judaism is a   The redemption from Egypt occurred   redemption cannot be rushed, but
                           revolutionary spirit: the   ןֹוז ָּ פ ִח ְּ ב, in a hurry. It is this word that   must be a slow, incremental process.
                           inability to accept things   describes the rushed way the Korban   Why is there such a sharp discrepancy
                   Aas they are and the desire      Pesach was eaten in Egypt and it is also   between the original redemption from
                   to continuously change ourselves   why we ate unleavened bread, matzah,   Egypt and its annual celebration? And
                   and the world for the better. In many   as there was no time for the dough to   why must the final redemption occur
                   ways, Judaism is a protest against how   rise because we were rushing to leave   slowly?
                   things are in favor of what they ought   Egypt.  Even the name Pesach, “to skip
                   to be. In fact, our history was wrought   over,” implies that Hashem Himself   Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Charlap, the
                   through revolution.              was in a rush, skipping over the homes   great student of Rav Kook, explains
                   Avraham was a revolutionary, an   of the children of Israel. 2    that because the original redemption
                                                                                     happened quickly, it was not internally
                   iconoclast who smashed the idols   By contrast, our annual Pesach Seder   transformative. The people of Israel
                   of his father’s house and society at   is the antithesis of  ןֹוז ָּ פ ִח.  There is   were physically redeemed but

                   large. Moshe, too, was a revolutionary   nothing fast about the Seder; the name   remained psychologically unchanged,
                   leader. Hand-picked by Hashem, he led   itself means order and structure.   and so it is no surprise that many
                   millions of slaves to an extraordinary   Broken into 15 orderly stages, each   Israelites longed to return to Egypt.
                   redemption, unparalleled in the   step builds upon the ones before it.   The redemption from Egypt was not
                   annals of human history.         In the manner of nobility, we eat food   permanent; sadly, many exiles would
                   Like all phenomena of life, revolution   slowly while reclining. We eat the   follow in the generations ahead.
                   is a double-edged sword. A revolution   Afikoman at the end of the meal, the   The final redemption, however, will
                   is unique in its ability to effect change   way the Korban Pesach was eaten in   be everlasting, and so it must occur
                   extraordinarily quickly. But that haste   Temple times – while full and satiated,   slowly  and  thoroughly,  without
                   requires skipping stages of development   not like fleeing slaves. Interestingly,   skipping any steps.
                   that are essential for lasting change.   it is forbidden to drink the four cups   The message is clear: sustainable change
                   It’s no surprise that many revolutions   of wine consecutively, one after the   may begin with revolution, but is made
                   are short-lived, leaving a wake of   other,  highlighting the importance   lasting through evolution. As our annual
                   destruction in their path.       of the process of redemption. They   Pesach Seder makes clear, sustainable
                                                    must be drunk in their allotted time as   change can only occur through a
                   It is for this very reason that the fast-
                   paced redemption from Egypt, ח ַס ֶּ פ   part of the order of the Seder. Each cup   systematic process of incremental
                   םִי ַר ְצ ִמ, is not the paradigm for תֹורֹו ּ ד ח ַס ֶּ פ,   fulfills a different part of the process of   change.
                   our annual Pesach celebration – and it   redemption; the process is paramount.     The  revolutionary  redemption
                   is certainly not the paradigm for the   The same is true of the future   from Egypt was short-lived. A mere
                   future redemption. In fact, the way   redemption, as the prophet Yeshayahu   three months after the Exodus, the
                   we celebrate Pesach is, in many ways,   states: ןּוכ ֵל ֵת אל ה ָסּונ ְמ ִבּו ּוא ֵצ ּ ת ןֹוז ּ פ ִח ְב אל י ִּכ,   people descended into idolatry and
                   the antithesis of how the redemption   “for you will not leave in haste and   worshipped the golden calf, followed
                   actually occurred.               will not go in a rush.”  The future   soon afterwards by the tragic sin
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