Page 15 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 15
sage, "And thou shalt come unto the priests, the The reason '£or the existence oi so great a Bala-
Levites, and unto the judge that shall he in those . chic lag, can he attributed to the fact that our
days," (Deut. 17,9) asking why need the Bible men- · sch6lars are men of great piety,. who realize the
tion the phrase, "In those days," for .can one come
before a fudge who is not in his days? The answer great moral responsibility that casting a judgment
is that the Torah wants us to heed to the judge of .carries with it, and consequently abstain from giv-
our generation, regardless of how inferior he mav .ing an opinion on timely problems that are without
be if compared to judges of previous generations. Halachic precedence. In the following "Maamar"
The Rabbis further remark that Jephthah in .his (Talmudic dictum), this fear is clearly illustrated.
.generation was like Samuel in his. Now this is a "Rabbi Samuel son of Nachmon said in the name
most remarkable comparison.. Jephthah .is de. of Rabbi Yochanan, 'A judge should always con-
scribed in Judges XI as having been an outcast of sider as if a sword lay at his side, and as if the Gehi-
his family who craved the company of vain and
empty people. It was through military. victory that nom _were open under him.' " .(Yevomoth 109h).
he became a Judge of Israel. Yet this man's judg-
ments were as binding and had to he heeded .as This is why nearly every treatise on Halachah is
much as Samuel's, who was a prophet of G-d, dedi- prefaced by the remark that it is meant only for
cated to the Temple from his very infancy. This the realm of polemics, but not for practical appli-
should give us great courage as to the potentiali- cation. It seems to me, however, that in view of
ties of our own age. the existing chaos in observance that there
is much greater fear of the Gehinom to .allow such
There are some who live. under the erroneous a condition to undermine the dignity of Jewish Law,
concept that our Torah is. static, and that any at- than to cast a . sincere opinion based on scholar-
tempt to adapt it to changing ·conditions is a viola- ship and knowledge, _
ion of the letter and spirit of the Torah. While it
I also suggest that the .governing Halachic body
is true that the Divine principles contained in the
Torah are eternal, a:ny student of the Talmud· soon should include on its. staff several men of science,
realizes that its very greatness and its eternal qual: who can give fulJ information and counsel with
ity lies in its adaptability to all times. Our great
scholars a11d sages were maste"rs at h1terpreting the reference. to decisions that call for the possession
Law in the spirit of their time, always guarding of such knowledge, as, for example, the scientific
that thcc: spirit and letter of the Torah shall n,ot he nature of certain inventions in determining whether
violated. The Talmudic Tanoim and Amoraim have ot not they are to be_ used on the Sabbath. Religion
done it, the Sevoraim and Geonim ~fter. them have and science thus worki:ng ·. hand in hand would fur-
ther enhance the confidence ·of our people of this
done likewise, the chain of great codifiers, the A.1- scientific age. in Torah. Judaism.
fasi, the Ramha:m, the Rosh, the Ron, the Baal There is the increasing. danger that should our
Haturim, and. the Beth Yos·eph ·(author of the Torah-true scholars continue to abstain from ren-
"Shulchon Aruch" in the 16th century) have cast
opinions influencing the life of their times. While dering the riecesiiary. decisions, .totally unqualified
each one leaned. on the work of his predecessor, elements will. undertake to.speak for allJewry, and
he dealt. with the problems of his days, as well. To
the average Torah-true Jew, the only guide in re- :make statements and issue proclamations regard-
ligion is·. the popular abridgement of the "Schul- ing Jewish Law that are in· direct violation of the
chan Aruch," the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch," by letter qnd spirit of the Totah. Irreparable damage
Rabbi Solomon Ganzfield of the 19th .century. may then be done to the future growth of Ortho-
While it may answer many a need, the very best doxy in America. Let Orthodoxy face the challenge
work of a. century ago, cannot possibly cover all of the Eternal L_aw .to .our people, and I am con,
the situations created by .our fast moving age.
Torah interpretation niust not lag behind the. chang- fident that the masses will enthusiastically respond.
ing conditions of life, if it is to serve the dynami9, They will readily vest this body with the authority
the Divine purpose, of being our guide in life. and honor it needs for universa_l recognition, should
they be shown that a· serious attempt is being made
in that ·direction. Should the body that would
emerge from American Orthodox leadership not
be equal to the Prophet Samuel, it may function
as well in our day as the judgments cast by Jeph•
thah in his day. .
OCTOBER, 1948_ 13