Page 10 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 10
that for . obviouf'! .reasons of prudence only heads It is a.painful part of any report to ·acknowl-
of departments have been mentioned in this re-
port, albeit many others have performed yeoman edge the .• work of a faithful one. who was cut• off
service for HapoeI Hamizrachi this past year.) from our midst during the course . of · loyal ser-
vice. Hapoel Hamizrachi suffered an irretrievable
Chaver Samson Krupnick has served conscien-
tiously ·and capably, ·with vigor, determination, loss .in. the passing of Dorothy Shayne, whose
and direction, in his capac:ty as president of·· the. skills, loyalty, and extraordinary .faithfulness
Council.. He has given very m uch ·time to the or- helped considerably in the building -of. our orga•
ganization at the expense ·of .his business and home nization .in recent years. She was a pillar of devo•
tion to our cause, and we very deeply mourn her
. life. Hapoel Hamizrachi of Chicago owes him a loss. .
debt of gratitude for his wonderful work this past · L'havdil bein Hachayim V'hameisim, Mrs.
Bessie Zimbler has conscientiously and devotedly
y-ear. taken over secretarial du:ies, and we feel confident
•·10 <1t our smoothly functioning office wiU continue·
Dr. Sacks, as usual,· remained Dr, Sacks. What dong its high standards of service and efficiency.
more can anyone say to ·describe ·what this man
has meant- to Hapoel Hamizrachi ·this year as in In conclusion, it can be said, that the spirit of
past ·.years? It can be said with confidence that
if Hapoel Hamizrachi in Eretz Yisrael is today 0 11r Chaverim, generally, is good, one of confi-
in a fairly strong position, it is not at all an exag-
gerat:on to assert that Dr. Sacks of Chic::.go played dence and accomplishment. We may perhaps well
no. minor role, insofar as American assistar,ce is
concerned, in having helped io bring Hapoel Ha- be proud of what we have done to help establish
mizrachi to that desirable status. .Yasher Kocho ! Israel, and strengthen the position of ·Hapoel Ha-
: The thanks of our organization are due, also, mizrachi there. . . · · · ··
;nmuch greater measure than this single sentence
could denote, to Chaver Samuel Shulman as Chair- Let us build and build and build. Lenis correct
our errors of the past, and carry on out organi-
man. of the Administrative and to Chaverim H. Ro-
:'ational effort to live up .to the letter and spirit
~enson and I. Frredman who capably served as Co-
2hairmen of our highly successful Torah Va of the inspiring and uplifting idea ofTorah Va
Avodah effort.
Avodah. And may we live to see a peaceful and
flourishing Israel which will send forth. Torah anti
moral instruction to the world from Zion.
'.l . THE SHOFAR ..