Page 14 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 14


                                                  By RABBI AARON RINE

                                                                  Rabbi Aaron Rine, .spiritual leader of Knesset Israel
                                                              Nusach Sfard, and a membe'r of the Chicago Rabbinic
                                                              cal Co.uncil, is an active member of Hapoel H;!lmiz-
                                                              rachi of Chicago.

    The ·modern Orthodox .religious leader is con~            ,general confusion, and consequently, to the loss
 fronted by numerous , obstacles in his efforts .to           of dignity for Torah Judaism.
 spread observant Judaism. There are, in my
,opinion, ·two ·types _of prqblems that face religion           . In the . last fifty years the world has witnessed
 today. One type I would label ",", i.e. the         technological changes and scientific miracles ·that
 problem of nurturing religious thoughts and, atti-           revolutionized the life of every civilized human
tudes in an environment .of b~se material_ism and             being. ,Yet the · Halachic adjustments necessary .to
•sensuality. . .This -is sti-ictJi . the· fault of our age,   bring Torah observance up to , date were, in my
                                                              opinion, totally lacking. Lam fully aware of the
                                                              "adjustments" made by certain segments of our              ·;
                                                              people, who negated Torah principles of past gen-
not of religion. Another type of religious problem            erations in order to "conform'' with the changing
                                                              environment. This is not the. type of adjustment
is one that I would call '.'internal," i. e. the short-       I am advocating. To me it seems that those ele-
                                                              ments have made the error of curing _a headache
coming of religion itself to be the dynamic force             by committing suicide. What we need is a body
                                                              of scholars, saintly -men of great knowledge of the
that it should be in our · times. It is on a phase           . Torah and of the modern sciences as well, who
                                                              can delve into the Halachah of past generations,
of the latter type of problem that I shall deal with          and therein 'find a solution .to the problems of our
                                                              times. Such a body should once and for all render
in this article.  "                                           a decision on the use of ele9trical appliances, refri0
                                                              gerators, ovens, microphones, etc., on the Sabbath,
  . I am convin~ed that much dignity could be .re-            on the numerous foods containing gelatin in vari-
 stored to Orthodox Judaism if an authoritative body          ous forms, on hard cheeses, on-toothpaste contain-
 were to be set up, a type of Sanhedrin, that shall           ing . soap, on· the automatic dish-washer, etc. What
 deal ·with the unique problems of our day, vested
 with _the ·same power and authority as the Judges            about the need for a dear guide as to ethical busi0
 of old. We find today considerable confusion and
 a variety of practice even among religious Jewry             ness . practices in the complex economic structure
 with reference to whether certain · foods· may oT            of our day? This is certainly an integral part of
 may n:ot be eaten, or whether certain appliances             religion. What about clarifying the Torah atti~
 may or may not be used on the Sabbath or holiday.            tude toward labor and management and the rights
 The lack of authority ·and unified decision on many
 religious problems make .our young, modern,                  of each? I am aware of ,individual efforts that
 American generation look upon observant Judaism
 as upon an antiquated system, unequal to the needs           were made here and there to tackle these problems,
 and problems ·of the twentieth century. The maze             but unless it is done on a universal scale for all of
. of individual 'hechshairim," (Rabbinical approval) ·        our people by a recognized authoritative body, it
 often gnµ1ted by irresponsible people; add to 1the           cannot have the dynamic influence that it should.

                                                                 Many eyes are tui-ned to Israel for this type of
                                                              leadership. While I have no doubt that as time
                                                              goes on Israel wiff play the role of the cultural
                                                              c.enter for all Jewry as envisaged by Ahad Haam
                                                              and others, yet I feel for the presen,t , this_body
                                                              must come. from within the ranks of American
                                                              JeWTy. Only then would the body fully under-
                                                              stand the unique problems and faults of this
                                                              greatest Jewish settlement of the world today. I
                                                             ·am confident that our great American Yeshivoth
                                                              together with members of the American Orthodox
                                                              Rabbinical bodies, have the caliber of men neces•
                                                              sary _to create a legislative body to act as a guide
                                                              for the Torah-true American Jew. '

                                                                 There are some who may argue that our age has
                                                              not produced the . "Gedolim," 1:he great Talmudic
                                                              scholars; necessary to embark on such an Halachic
                                                              project. To them I point out the Talmudic saying
                                                              in Rqsh Hashanah 25b~ commenting on the pas-

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