Page 9 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 9

Chairman, Maurice Aberman, were well-planned            The Jewish National Fund Department of Ha-

and executed. The constant readiness of Chairman        poel Hamizrachi, under the capable and devoted
Aberman to cooperate in fullest .measure · at all       chairmanship of Rabbi Saul Amster, shone forth
times comprised a most valuable asset for Hapoel
                                                        with brilliant results, in which· very many Chave-

Hamizrachi. Master calendar planning, calling for       rim, particularly of Ben Zion, North Shore and
full coqperation from the groups, has already been      Eva Aronson groups, participated. We had the

accepted as a matter of course and group affairs        best Jewish National Fund record in years, were
have been effectively cleared through the office.
                                                        second in the city amongst all the organizations,
   Our synagogue, as usual, functioned well this        and were the only organization that reached its
year. As in former years when Mr. Louis Brody
was president, the leadership of the synagogue,         elevated Jewish National Fund quota. Considering

under Samuel Shulman, was vigorous and sus-             that this took place during our Torah Va Avodah
tained, and the Shul as a whole made excellent          Campaign, these results are nothing short of re-
progrees. If there is one constructive suggestion
that must be offered, it is that we must not he         markable.
content with the fact ·that our synagogue decorum
                                                        A few words about the outlook for the future.

                                                        Hapoel Hamizrachi is going to occupy more and

                                                        more a position of importance in the coming years.

is better than that of other synagogues, but rather     First, theestablishment of Israel brings into pro:
must we be determined· to make whatever improve-        minence our accomplishments. Hapoel Hamizra-
ments still must be made to bring this decorum
to. a completely satisfactory level. As usual, Rabbi    chi in l_srael is very much to be reckoned with,
Rapoport's valuable services constituted a tower        and. as more and more visitors go to visit Israel the

                                                        true place of Hapoel Hamizrachi will be observed

of strength that should by fully appraised and ap·      and recognized~  ·

preciated.                                    .            Secondly, we are. constantly beirig .invited to

The Children's Sabbath MO:rning Service, also,          bring our message into circles where we were ne-

has been ill).proved in certain directions lately, and  ver before welcome. In the past year alone your

continues .to make available the service of Sabbath     director has spoken, by invitation, to certain

morning spiritual supervision for youngsters of         groups at Northwestern University, University of
pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and primary grade
age. ·                                                  Chicago, Roosevelt College, University of Minne-
                                                        sota, and a number of bther similar places where
   A favorable word must be said, irrespective of       the message and opinions ·of Hapoel Hamizrachi
space limitations, about the work of our Overseas
Relief .Committee. It is inadvisable to attempt to      were. not sought after .in earlier years. Political
list the names of the very many people who helped       Zionist circles which were .either hostile or indiffer-
so diligently, day and night, in this work, for
                                                        ent to us in the past now reckon with our exist-

 fear of omitting one, and each one is truly im;        ence, our activities, and our opinions. H we have
· portant. It would, however, be nothing short of       not been accorded independent representation in ·

 sinful to omit mention of the indescribable zeal       _Chicago Zionist Emergency Council, it is not due
 and conscientiousnes put into this work by Co-          to absence of recognition of our important role but
 Chairman Tobv Green Fried and Louis Schatz.             rather to our awkward relationship with Mizrachi
                                                         that must soon be rectified on a world-wide basis

and the Vice-Chairman, Mrs. Kurt Stern. Such. de:       for the benefit of both Mizrachi and ourselves.
votion and application to the tasks has been
shown by these people and others is so rare that        We have finally begun this past year to give

it can hardly be found anywhere. There are many         more intensive attention to the need ·of enlarged
others who also worked many days and nights of          membership rolls. Fdr years Hapoel Hamizrachi

                                                        has gone along with a membership strong in qua-

each week on our Oyerseas Relief work, which was        lity and intensity but not great enough in number.
more extensive than that of any other local group,      Today_ our membership is sufficiently imbued with
but departure from the procedure of mentiqning.
any• names. other than the Chairman may prove           our ideals for us not to have to fear dilution of
inadvisable. These people, however, know who
                                                        standards, and we may unhesitatingly add num-
                                                        b_ers, with a view toward more and more support

they are, as do most others, and our .profound          for Hapoel Hamizrachi and its principles and in-
thank;; are expressed to them. ,
                                                        stitutions. The impression that outsiders are not
Very much in the category of conscientiousness,         welcome is a .false one, ·and the rumors that Ha-
                                                        poel Hamizrachi is a "closed organization'' must
also, is the work of the Chairman of the Sabbath        be openly beaten down. Our doors are wide open
Voice Department, Molly Schatz. As has been em-
                                                        for all good people to join us in our efforts. Mem-
phasized in previous reports, nobody can possibly       bership Chairman Mrs. Herzl Rosenson should be
realize, unless he has tried it himself, what stores
of time and· energy go into the making up of a          given full support by the Chaverim in all her

single edition of our weekly bulletin, and despite      efforts in the months to come.                   ·
very trying moments, Mrs. Schatz has never fal-
tered in her determination to give us as good a         No report on Hapoel Hamizrachi activities dur-
Sabbath Voice as possible each week: To her,
                                                        ing the year just passed can be complete without
                                                        at least mention of certain key individuals who

also, our sincerest thanks and appreciation.            were heads of departments (it is to be observed

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