Page 6 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 6


"IIlSTORY IN THE MAKING"                                                      By SAMSON KRUPNICK

  . We enter the year q709 with justifiable pride in       Appeal, . Jewish National Fund, . and Torah
 our people and · in humble gratitude to the
Almighty. We have witnessed in the year 5708 the           V'Avodah · Campaigns. Those tremendous drives
.establishment of the .Republic of Israel-a dream
that Jews have not, been privileged to realize for .       must continue for another seven to ten years in-

 1;878 year&. We have seen history made. We have           volving possibly over ,.two billion dollars. That,
 helped to make the date May _16. 1913, 7th of Iyar
 5708, among the four most imper.ant milestones         · however, is not the type of aid properly to be made
 in Jewish ·• history, ranking with l.2!'i0 B.C.E;~
 Revelation of · the Torah, 586 B.C.K-'--Exile of          to the Rep~bliq of •Israel.' Israel's future develop• .
Judea, 70 C.R. --- Destruction of the 2nd Temple
 and of the Jewish State. This ·great miracle came         ment ·depends in · a .large measure on the extent of
 about in •accordance with the prescribed traditional
 setting. Our people su:ffe;red in full .measure' the      the business investment.-. that we make · in Israel
 pangs of the. Messiah - the birthpains of a Jewish
 Republic. The losses were frightful in both human         industry, the markets that we open for Israeli pro-
 life. and property. Yet, with Divine guidance, our
 people, through. sheer unswerving determination,          ducts; the transportation .and communication faci•
 and against ·tremendous opposition _:_ ·even . from
 so ·called friends - brought a ·Jewish State into         lities that we help maintain by constantly incre!ls·
 being. We became dazzled by the sudden flood of
 the light of freedom and independence for• our            ing commerce, by huge tou.rist .traffic, .by every

people. In the words of the psalmist, "We were             proper business means at our disposal to create

 as dreamers." _:_ happy ·dreamers who became re·          and maintain ·a favorable balance of ·trade . for
 alists, · and though realities · indicate that the
 struggle is _a long way from being completed, that        Israel. 'This all-important essential comme.rcial and
 the problems lying ahead are many and •complex,
 yet happy determined dreamers we remain.                  economic support must be rendered ·by individuals

    It is a certainty that Israel ·- the Republic -        in ·the course ·of their.-norrnal business affairs, by
 will i-eq.uire every type of assistance that our peo·
 ple and friendly nations will have to offer. The .        individuals through i:hei:r ,.Zionist .Organizations in
 principal burden will .fall upon . the American
 Jewish Community. Present indications are that the        group investment, .. or through . reliable investment
 function of ·Zionist Organizations iri the United
 States will be to ·furnish vast financial aid to sup:     corporatiqns such as AMEIC~American Eretz
. port the tremendous task of immigration on a scale ·
 unprecedented in history. Israel will successfully     . Israel Corporation~yielding ·attractive investment
 absorb close to one million Jewsin the next seven
 years '--'- given proper support in the transport and     returns at the same time rendering in:val_uable
· rehabilitation of the majority of the immigrants. .
 Yet a clear distinction must be made as to the type       service to the development of Israel. · ·
 of aid to be furnished relief and rehabilitation
 agencies arid that to be furnished the Republic of        . A land that will flourish and develop · quic:kly
_Israel. We have for mariy years •been accustom¢d
 to large scale efforts, such as the United Jewish .       and extensively, as we assuredly e_xpect of

 4· '                                                      Israel, will experience ' growing pains. There will

                                                           be myriads . of political, military, econo.niic and

                                                           cultural problems~ A basic pn:>blem will of neces•

                                                           sity b.e the form . of development of the . cultural

                                                           contour of. Israel. There will he tendencies and

                                                           movemenfs to abandon traditioiis "in . Jewish life.
                                                        .  Hapoel Hami~tachj. will take the
                                                           promotit.g- by education and .

                                                           Torah principles as i:he underlying foundation of

                                                           the day to .day life of the Israel Comonwealth. It

                                                           will be a difficult task, for in the excitement of

                                                           newly WOii freedom, ,there is a natural chaoti.c ten•

                                                           dency to sever all ties with the past .and to seek

                                                           entirely new paths. for the future. Hapoel ~amiz•

                                                           rachi has demonstrated its ability and · its ;deter•

                                                           mi.nation in serving the Yishuv through all ·the_se

                                                        . trying years. It looks to the future with confidence

                                                           and_ with full cognizance of all difficulties to be

                                                           encountered.       ·              .

                                                           It follows directly thai: Hapoel Hamizri:ichi .na·

                                                           tioniilly and locally, although completely severed

                                                           from HapoeJ Hamizrachi in Israel politically, have

                                                           the same ideological goals for Israel -as ·well as for .

                                                           the fuller development of the -Jewish communities               ..J

                                                           of the Diaspora. Torah Judaism intelligently pro.·

                                                           motel everywhere is now our primary _concern. We

                                                           mu~t strengthen ourselves in · numbers and , ~ac!·

                                                           lities so that we can, unhampered l:Jy budget hm1,

                                                           tations, discharge our _responsibilities to _the .devel-

                                                        .·opment · of Israel, to the strengthening of Hapoel

                                                           Hainizrachi ideals in Eretz Israel, and to the vigor-

                                                           ous revitaiization of a healthy Jewish life in our

                                                           c~mmunity. To the materiali,zation · of .these goals

                                                           in.the · coming epic years, we humbly dedicate o?-r ·

                                                           every effort. May the Almighty grant ,us the WIS·

                                                           dom ·. and strength to be worthy of serving in

                                                           Israel's rebirth.                 THE SHOFAR

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