Page 5 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 5



    The year 5708 was by far the most historic of        ·what they have accomplished in the course of a
 our lives, and the most significant of the past two     half year is nothi!!,g short of miraculous. True, we
thousand years of Je,Yish history.                       of Hapocl Hamizrachi have our "Taanos" with
                                                         reference to 'the not too religious orientation of the
   True· enough-an act of abysmal stupidity ap•          present government, hut this must be improved in
parently committed by some of our own people             time as the ranks of Religious .Zionism throughout
                                                         the world swell in number and influence, as they
brought tlie year to an end that was more hysterical     will, Im Yirtze Hashem.
than historical, and to be sure, the cause of Israel
has suffered greatly. It is immaterial that one is         Future history will record how unprecendently
prompted to wonder how it happen;·that the death
                                                        privileged were_ ~e who lived in these truly glori-
of one· man, however· lamentable and grievous,
                                                        ous days of semi-restoration o{ I.~rael. Our grand-
shouid have occasioned so much world concern and
up~in-arms indignation only a short time after six      children .will proudly boast that we, their grand-
million Jewish liv_es, many savagely and revoltingly
burnt alive in blast furnaces, meant absolutely         fathers and grandmothers, witnessed the re-estab·
n()thing and did not arouse even as much concern        lishment of l sraeL
as the of a single baseball game. The fact
remains, the act was an immoral and stupid one,            The·nature of our resolutions at the close.of this
                                                        history-making year and the approach of a new one -
and the cause of Israel has suffered.                   cannot but be obvious and ~pparent to all. The
                                                        forces arrayed against Israel are still powerful and
   Yet-despite this, let not the tree _obscure the      menacing, and it must b~ our_ unflinching deter~
foi'est. We must bid farewell to the departing year     mination to. be "on call' for all major and minor
and :welcome to the new year in full realization,       sacrifices that we may be called upon_ to make to
irrespcrtive of temporary setbacks, of the full his-    strengthen the position of a newly reborn Israel.
toric significance of the days which are now passing.   In our own ,my _we can fight the battle of Torah
                                                        Va Avodah by positive contributions _that brin.g
   These are truly "Yomim,N~raim." We :,land in         strength and encouragement to our Chaverim in
awe· of the great miracle. accomplished by our          Israel.
people in Israel, with the "Ez'ras Hashem Yisbo,
rach." "Great" nations-at least big ones-op-              · Hapoel Hamizrachi of Chicago looks back with
posed the establishment of Israel. One year ago a       pride and forward with confidence, faith, and de-
large British army of occupation .held a blood-         termination to give of its utmost to the sacred 'cause
splattered suppressive palm over the heads of .our
people, and it hardly ~eemed they could b~ ousted       that we are privileged to espouse. May the_ Al-
without full-scale bloodshed. Tl).ank G-d, a conca-
tination ·of circumstances has led to an independent    mighy's blessings adorn the lot of Israel in 5709
government of Israel that i,s steadily plowing for-     and may all of us prove worthy of the historic
ward to full governmental apparatu~: i:tnd capacity.    privilege that is ours.

                                                            Onward, Israel! Onward· Hapoel Hamizrachi ot·
                                                       . Israel! Onward Hapoel Hamizrachi of Chicago!

OCTOBER, 1948                                          3
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