Page 8 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 8

vices; the key ·organization, if you will, in Ortho-  Yishuv to evacuate, is quite unique in our annals of·
  dox Jewish life in Chicago.
                                                        martyrdom. If Prime Minister Ben Gurion, not a
     Not only have we grown according to the finan-
  cial criteria of which I spoke _at the outset, but    too warm ·devotee of Religious Chalutziut, ·could
  organizationally also, we have greatly advanced.
 While our "old-faithful" groups continued in their     have said recently "We :will· never forget Kfar
 forward march, some .of the groups formed the
 .previous year made pleasing strides of progress.      Etzion," then .certainly Hapoel Hamizrachi's
 Kol-Am, for example, made its influence strongly
 felt this year in many realms of our activities,       Kvutzat Etzion has a sacred responsibility to im-
 -with one of its members having become the very
 active and conscientious Co-Chairman of Overseas       mortalize that name.  ·
 Relief. The group has demonstrated an excellent
 example of well-arranged cultural-programs of             Another new group-and a very important one
 content-packed lectures and discussions that move      -was Kvutzat Bnei Akiva; This group, under the
 in a well-designed direction. Primarily responsible    presidency of Shlomo Kieffer, consists of young
 for this effective series of programs ·was capable     adults, ages 18 -. 23', most of whom have come
 Dan Goldberger. Another example is North Shore         up from the ranks of Tzirei (Junior) .Hapoel Ha-
 I:Iapoel Hamizrachi. They have had some highly         mizrachi. We look for a great future for this
 successful affairs of late. Their staff of·· officers  group, which contains in its membership rolls cer-
 is capable and conscientious, and what with the        tain key young men and women who are marked
 blessing to Noi::th Shore of the addition of M:r. and  for future _leadership in Hapoel Hamizrachi in the
 Mrs.· Maurke Aberma:iJ. in their midst, we are des-    years and decades to come. , ·
-i:ined to witness phenomenal forward strides by
 this group. _Much of the success of this group was         Our youth department, Tzirei Hapoel Hamiz-
 due to. the good-cheered persistence and coopera-      rachi, went "Michail El Chail" ' - from strength
 tion of Mrs. Jack Mann, and the various members        to strength --,- this year. Much progress - very
 of the Aronson family, immediate kin of our re-        much - was made, and most of it was primarily
 vered Eva Aronson·, in whose memory another im-         due to the efforts of Rabbi Moshe Litoff, who has
 portant Hapoel Hamizrachi group exists.                done a very effective job of directing our youth
                                                         program this year. He provided capable leader-
    Two very important new groups were born this        ship and direct.ion to the Menahalim and Menaha-
 year. One is Kvutzat Etzion, which has a caliber        lot. Throughout the year he met with them each
 of membership that must be looked upon with            week and provided them with mat_erial for Sichot
 high regard. It is our expectation that· this group     (lectures and discussions) and guided the_ir prog-
 will be a credit' to our organization. The dis-        ress. A number of new groups were added this
 cu_ssions and culturals of this group which boasts     year that were directly attribut11-ble. to his efforts.
 of a number of energetic young rabbis in its mem-      ·It is to be hoped that full appreciation and recog-
 bership, are on a high level. Typical of the prog-     nition will be given to his efforts.
 rams sponsored by this group was the. Cavalcade
 of Jewish Music, which, incidentally, did not have        Camp Moshava, as usual, functioned well. As
                                                        always, the spirit that prevailed among the camp-
me,as. large an attendance as it deserves. (This leads  ers was extraordinary. Many improvements, such
       parenthetically, to what I would consider an     as new modern kitchen· equipment, leveling of the
 impbrtant suggestion. Along the lines of reciprocal
 traa.e agreements, a new Standing Committee            camp grounds, new athletic field, and others; have
 should be created in each group, possibly the          helped to make Moshava the best ever this year.
 Courtesy Committee, whose function it would be         This is not to imply that Moshava is not in need
 to watch the Sabbath Voice for all affairs of other    of certain improvements, but by next year we hope,
 groups and see to it that at each affair at least      with the assistance of an active Moshava Com-
 three members of the group attend. In this way,        mittee, to have many of the shortcomings rectified.
·while fo each member it would not add up to _more      It is agreed by all, however, that the religious and
 than perhaps two such affairs a year, it would         educational value of the Moshava experience for a
 mean 15 x 3, or 45 people assured as an organi-
 zational .cross-section nucleus, not only to swell     child is greater than that of any formal schooling
 the attendance but to ,report back to their own        that strives for the same purpose. Moshava .still
                                                        remains, and each year increasingly becomes, the
 gro_ups the nature of the undertakings of other
:groups. Upon Kvutzat Etzion, we feel, there rests      experience de luxe, for the Youth of Hapoel Ha-
 strong and special responsibility, not only because    mizrachi. It is to be hoped that the response to a
 of the· type of membership they have, but because
 of the immortal name they bear. The heroism of         call to aid Moshava expansion this coming year
. our Chaverim in Kfar ~tzion, who were wiped out       will be duly proportionate to the service rendered
 in ·ins11rv-ivable circumstances which they could      by Moshava.
·easily have avoided by heeding the plea of the
                                                           One could go on for hours pointing to indica-
 .6                                                     tions of our progress- and our growing status as a
                                                        smoothly-functioning organization. However, lack
                                                        of space makes possible only· finger-pointing treat-
                                                        ment, in one or two sentences, to each item which
                                                        should in itself call for lengthy discussion.

                                                           Our Holiday Forums were all successful this
                                                        year. Our Social functions, Melaveh Malkos and
                                                        others, under the direction of Social Committee

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