Page 12 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 12

as a mode of spiritual song that flows in· ecs,tasy         A saint of a .recent generation was wont to ob•
into the halls of the centuries. Balance and har-        serve that the affliction a Jew imposes upon him-
mony, music and verse,-joy and melody-these are          self on Yorn Kippur and the sadness he wraps
the garlands our faith has wreathed upon duty's          around himself at Tisha B'Av are simultaneously
brow. As the hand acts out the Mitzvah, the heart        within him fountains of rejoicing, because he is
acts out the Simchah shel Mitzvah. It is the com-        conscious of fulfilling the requirement of his creed.
plete dedication from within that speeds perform-
ance visible to its proper consummation.                    The year we welcome will bring endless oppor-
                                                         tunities for the performance of a Mitzvah. Let us
   In the Jerusalem Temple there was a tradition         introduce once again into our vocabulary Sim-
that he who prepared the spices for the incense          chah shel Mitzvah, and let us teach the soul to
must say aloud that he grinds them well and that         honor the phrase. Our lives will be the richer for
th_ey are well ground, "because the- voice is benefi-    making of duty a joy; not a burden; a song, not a
cial to the spices."                                     snarl; a delight, not a fury. As men of gladness
                                                         we shall much more faithfully achieve our aim of
  A husband eating mashed potatoes at dinner will        attracting others, particularly the young, to the
                                                         message of Torah. Then will the happiness we
hardly be able to detect in them whether his wife        wish each other for the new year be known to us
sang or scolded during their preparation, but the        not onlY when we are doing what pleases us, but
ingredients of the mixture that was offered upon         what plyases Him Who is the ultimate source of
the altar of worship were not acceptable unless
the spirit expressed itself in the gladness of making    all happiness.
them ready.


                                By RABB/ MORRIS TELLER

                                                           Rabbi Teller is spiritual leader of the South' Side
                                                       Hebrew Congregation and President of the League
                                                       for Religious Labor in Chicago.

    The coming High Holidays will be the fo;st High      Basic p~ligious and moral truths are to be found
Holidays in the new era; for with the establish-
ment of Israel as a republic, a new· era has com-        not only in religious and ethical books but also
menced which w.ill 11:ffect Jewish life vitally in many
respects and which will e'centually influence, by        in the statements of statesmen, Calvin Coolidge,
example, the other nations. Many of us do not
realize that history is now being made in_ Israel        one of our otherwise ineloquent Presidents stated,
and that centuries later Israel and humanity wiU
look back to our time as epoch-making. It is not         or quoted, the following eloquent and basic truth:
only that in Israel the dispossessed Jews will find
shelter and homeless Jews will have an official          "If we as a people are too weak to take charge
home that makes the establishment of the Repub-
lic of Israel so significant an event. It is because     of our morality, we shall not be strong enough to
we feel that while Israel will be more than the
"spiritual center" that the Jewish philosopher Ahad      take 9harge of our liberty." This is one of the
Ha'am envisioned, while Israel will hav,e its po-
litical, economic and other problems that a govern-      important themes ofour High Holiday season. This
ment must face, the "spiritual" aspect of life, the
religious ethical values of the Bible and the Rabbis,    is the rule by which, let us hope, Israel will con-
will not be ignored in dealing with these practical
problems. We cannot expect perfection in a real-         duct itself as a government. To maintain liberty,
istic world, but we have the right to expect an at-
tempt at the realization of the prophet Isaiah's         morality must be maintained.                           ·

preachment, "Zion will be redeemed with Justice."        · Why are we constantly in fear of wars, depres-

I cannot believe that the unjust practices of the        sions, the loss of liberty and other social evils?
nations will be the practice of our unique people.-
The sense of Zedek, Mishpot, Yosher, Rachmonus           It is because the various aspects of life, the po-
(Righteousness,· Justice, Equity, Mercy) is too
much a part of Israel's character to permit our          litical, economic and social activities are divorced
people to perpetrate the ruthlessness to which
Israel has been subjec_ted.                              from religion and morality. "Business is business"

                                                         is the rule of private enterprise and it becomes a

                                                         rationalization for inequity in business. The same

                                                         principle is applied in relationships among nation;;

                                                         with the_ tragic result that expediency displaces

                                                         justice and double-dealing is part of diplomacy. It

                                                         was David Lloyd George who interpreted the verse

                                                         of Psalms 14,9 :6 "High praises of God are in their

                                                         throat; and a two-edged sword in their hand" as

                                                         follows: "High praises of God are in their throat

                                                         on ·sunday in the Churches and a two-edged sword

                                                         in their hand on other days against the people who

                                                         produced the Psalmist:"

                                                         Unfortunately, the_ moral and religious values

                                                         _and ideals are regarded _either as too holy to be

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