Page 4 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 4


    The Yomim,Noraim are days of "Cheshbon                                                     trust  that·  their ·outstanding  quaUty    and.  ,kigh            .
                                                                                                                                      ..•                   .•··

    Hanefesh,'-a tt'me for self-examination and                                                literary merit will ·be a source of spiritual

    _aTUJly_si§__of ~¥_s deeds of yesteryt1ar, a period                                        satisfaction to all readers.

    devoted         to        rededication ·and                         solem. .n  resqJve        .The Shofa.i is also dedicated to. the Hapoel
                 .                                                   .
                                                                                               H~mizrachi of Israel, the creative force in ,:
    f()r spirit11,al .advancement in the . o'IJ,Poining

    -New Year: Days of awe anil IJ,oliness,- they                                              our world m<Jvement, of religiously inspired·

    · should also represent '~Cheshbon Hanefes_h''                                             chaverim, who are acti'!lating the ideal of ...

    in organizational life-.:__a self-evaluation· arid                                         ·Torah in a program of life,· predicated upo'n

    . . .study of past . accomplishme_nts, a restate-                                          the foundation of honest and ·righteous t<iil.. ·.

    ment of ideas and a firm determination to. ful,                                            It is our hope that the contents of our High

    fiU- t~em ·in the ·future, · Even more than                                               Holiday publication will pay them adeq. ua'te. .
    oth-ers, Hapoel Hamlzr~hi, ~ a socio-re-
                                                                                            ~ tribute and offer ~loquent testimony to the .,, ' ,I
    ligious movement, ·wedded to the truth iof
                                                                                               greatness .and nobility :of their. endeavors in

    the Torah, surely understands the underlying                                               a most sacred- cause.

    significance of "Yom Ha-Din," t~ Day of ·                                                    We ferve'ntly express the wish that tlie

    ..,, -- - Ju..d- gment,-  as  a· day       of  reckoning            for        ~ll.        message expounded .in the following pages
                                                    .' ~ ,                                     out-will reach the eyes and hearts of ma~y

    That is the pri,;.,,ary purpose of the publi-                                              side the fold_ of our movement,. who will bi

    ctJtion of the H~gh Holidaty lo:urnal,. 'the.                                              inspired to ;oin our rartits-so that the com-.

    isShofar-which now in its. Sixth year· of

    publication. It is verily a "Se/er Hazichro-                                               ing year 5709 will become a year of pheno-

    nos, "A· Book of Remembrances, for the mem-                                                menal growth in our organization, both in·.

    bership of our organization, and als_o for the                                             America and abroad. .. It- l,s our: Divine dutr

    general· public, remaining o~ide of our                                                    to hold high the_ hands of our brethren in

    movement; In its pages will be- found not·                                                 the Holy Land, supporting them in their-

    .only a report of our sundry activities duri,ig                                            our task of building an lsraet' dedicated to

    the· preceding year, but also thought-prO'IJok-                                            G-d and Torah, to the destiny of our people·

    irig a~ticles on various topics, close_. to th~                                            and to .all humanity.

    mind and heart of Hapoel Hamizrachi. We

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