Page 22 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 22
"YOU have already learned of the tragic fall of knit groups. Th~ former has had its application
the Etzion Bloc of settlements after a valiant strug- for 'azmaut_' and an independent machaneh avodah
gle, in which-the handful of.defenders, hopelessly endorsed by the Hakibbutz Hadati and the Labour
outriu:mbered and ·. completely cut off from all . Department of the Jewish Agency. •Talks for a
som;ces of '.s11pply . and reinforcement . were -taken .merger between ·the two are in progress. · It need
):>y the :enemy after a ·shattering barrage of heavy · hardly be mentioned that all chaverim from Eng-
guns to ·which they .·were_unequipped to give any
effective reply. You have read, .too, that the Old lish-speaking countries are active in defense and
other ·essential services.
)fishuv of · Jerusaletn, ·which· for seven · centuries,
"The State of Israel is now a £act. With the
since its ~oundation ·by-the illustrious Rabbi Moshe
hen Nachman' (Nachmantdes) has uninterruptedly help of God, we shall protect and preserve it.
occupied the Jewish Qµarter, has .been temporarily
driven forth from the Walls. Let this be ·an indi- Daily we learn of the inauguration of sonie new
. catio1J. of th~ cost at .which we are purchasing . our
freedom and independence. Let the v~st expendi- Jewish government service, of new evidence of •our
sovereignty and independence. But we. must suffer
ture of -blood .and treasure entailed in this .struggle no illusions. With the achievement of statehood
.and a .place in the family ·of nations, .the purpose
.prove to the Diaspora, the_ determination of the of Zionism has not ·yet been consummated. . Rather
Yishuv nol to lay down its an:ns :until it has secured
the rig~t; not only of our brethren languishing in . 'Ye are _now .equipped . with . a mighty instrument,
the D. P: ~amps and orphaned Kehillot of Europe far niore _powerful than . any we· have hitherto
and of those hundreds of thousands in _constant fear possessed, to secure this end. Tasks which dwarf our
foi:- their lives in the Middle East, but of every Jew, past . efforts and acomplishments, . in the field of
whatever his status and class; to settle in israel. immigration and land _settlement, await us: Na-
"While the enemy hordes rained death from the . · tional sovereignty is a vessel which we must fi~l
skies and battered, tiine and again, in desperate
frustration at our gates, - the supreme task of na- with content •according .to the highest ideals of
tional construction was .not suspended for a single our traditions_as expressed in •the religious,·moral
moment. Eight settlements, all in dangerous areas,
·. founded .in these critical weeks, prove, perhaps and social injunctions · of the Written .and Oral
more than anything else, the nature of our . strug- Torah. The day of ch~utziut is not past, its Golden
gle and the purity of our aims. With the settle-
.Era has just dawned, The personal ill).plic1:1tions .of
ment 0£ Shluchot (two of whose young members, ·this fact must not be lost upon our religious pjo- _
nering movements. They are now ·presented with .
Naftali .Sternfeld and Ayala ·Tenenbaum, . both
seventeen years of age _at the time;. it wiU be _re- an .opport'1,nity of a lifetime. _Let thetn not squan- ·
called, made the supreme sacrifice, resisting an at- .
tempt by British troops · to conduct a search for der ·it. .Chalutziut must no ·longer be _the preserve
arms · in neighboring Givat Chaim) - a k~tzah
whose steamlaundry and fine though small work- of the idealist. It must become a mass movement.
shops for the production of technical equipment Tru~ Jewish cult11~e must be absorbed in every
and wooden implements at Pardes Chana reflect . fibre of our youth~ They must be adequately pre- .
its pioneering initiative and ability~at Beth Shean; pared, physically an_d spiritually, for citizenship
the religious bloc of four settlements has been com- in the State of Israel._ They must he conscious of
pleted. It will undoubtedly consolidate the Gush
·Dati in this area and will contribute towards the their privilege. After sixty generations of depriva-
realization of a number of joint inter-kibbutz and tion of the prerogatives of nationhood, their gen-
eration has been the rebirth of Jewish sovereignty.
educational institutions envisaged for some time. •
·'It will undoubtedly be of interest to you to learn "Few inded, if any at all amongst -us, entertain
that ·both; the American-South African and Eng- any illusions regarding the future: --The present lu:ll
lish Bachad Gadnim have developed into well- in hostilities is, we know, - temporary and · pre-
.carious: It •may or .may not lead ·to .an armistice
and a more stable settlement. We must he pre-
.pared for all eventualities. We know .that there
may be dark days in store for _us. We face .the fu~
ture confident in the faith . that, God .willing, we
shall emerge victorious.''