Page 24 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 24


          .,.·          By MORDECAI BEN SHLOMOH *
22 I';.~
                        Mark! A new star has arisen!

                        A new star has arisen in the mysterious East:

                        ,¼.• old new star, · _ · ·:

                        Old in years but new in spirit, ·

                        Mas arisen.

                        Hark! It is the Star of Israel!

                        For centuries,

                        Cloaked with dark, foreboding clouds;

                        For almost two millennia,

                        Hidden in the mournful gloom of long, enduring Exile;

                        For many generatiQns,

                        Hardly a light to illuminate Jewish life in the Diaspora;

                        The Star of Israel ·has. arisen again:

                        The Star of Israel shines again! ·

                        . Removed was the cloud shrouding the Star of Israel;

                        Removed by the sturdy hands of the Yishuv:

                        Torn asunder was the veil. enveloping.the Star of :Israel;

                        Torn asunder by the sturdy hands of the Yishuv:

                        .Demolished was the screen secreting the Star of Israel;

                        Demolished by the st:iudy hands of the_ Yishuv: .

                        By. the sturdy hands of the Yishuv · ·

                        And the. compa5l?ionate aid of. the ;\!mighty!

                        Now the. Star of Israel shines brightly again;

                        The Star of Israel shines forth· in full glory!

                        For Israel is released from bondage;

                        Israel is liberated;

                        Israel is free:

                        Free! Free! Free!

                        After hundreds of years,

                        Shackled in iron bonds,

                        Israel is free:                                      '.•··
                        After tens ·of generations,

                        Submerged in the d.ark waters of the Exile,

                        Israel is free.        ·

                        . Yes, Israel is free again;

                        Free to forge· his _life }n th~ crucible of time; .

                        Free to fashion his existence ·as a riatiori. and a state·;

                        Free to begin life anew.               /


                        The Star of Israel shines again;

                        The Star- of Israel glows brightly in the firmament• of Israel;

                        The Star of Israel will soon radiate light; ..               .

                        A.s in the· days of yore,

                        ·When th~ prophets and the. people walked with the Lord: ·

                        Hail! Star of Israel!

                        • Member of Modah Ha.poel Hamizrachi.

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