Page 28 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 28




  -The primary goal of Junior Hapoel
Hamizrachi is to bring our young - people
close to 1'Yiddishkeit" and to Israel. The ul-
timate aim is Aliyah-religious Cha.lutziut;
though positive Jewish living for those who
remain is also an important aim of the orga-

   An extensive program of training is made
available through classes and informal
group disc_ussion. Menahalim and Mena:ha-
lot (Youtli leaders) are carefully selected
and are therefore of outstanding caliber.

   An important pc1rt of the program is the
Summer Camp, Moshava, in RoHing Prairie, _
Indiana, which, together . with Hashomer
Hadati, acommodates 250 boys and girls
throughout the summer, for a well-planned
period of education., training, and fun ga-
lore. Operate<;! on a non-profit basis,•.·Mo-
shava_lias a reputation for having the finest
camp spirit oJ any camp · in the Middle
West. ' ·

   The organization is govern,ed by a Han-
hala (executive) which is elected each year
by the membership. The following . are .the
various groups which comprise the junior
Hapoel Hamizrachi of Chicago:-

         HANHALA OF JR. HAPOEL                          BNOS TZION JUNIOR HAPOEL
                    HAMIZRACHI                                     . HAMIZRACHI

Vivian Glick, Gerry Kaplan, Shlomo Kieffer,                 Rachel Tversky, Menahelet
        Nachman Patinkin, Aaron Weiner
                                                      BNAI YISROEL JUNIOR HAPOEL
              KVUTZAT MENAHALIM                                     HAMIZRACHI
             Rabbi Moshe Litoff, Menahel
                                                                Shlomo Kieffer, Menahel
                    HAMIZRACHI                  TAMAR JUNIOR HOPOEL HAMIZRACHI
                                                            Miriam ·Pogrund, Menahelet
              Aharon Weiner, Menahel
                                                 TCHIYAH JR. HAPOEL HAMIZRACHI
        NER TAMID JUNIOR HAPOEL                            Tzipporah Pincus, Menahelet
               Yisroel · Brody, Menahel
                                                    ANSHE SHOLOM JUNIOR HAPOEL
         YARDENA -·· JUNIOR HAPOEL ·                                HAMIZRACHI
                                                                Moshe Polin:, Menahel
             Gerry Kaplan, Menahelet
                                                      SOUTH SHORE JUNIOR HAPOEL
        RISHONOT JUNIOR HAPOEL                                      HAMIZRACHI
                                                       Norma .Friedman and .Jerry Kanter
              Vivian Glick, Menahelet
                                                       HYDE PARK JUNIOR HAPOEL
                                                             . . HAMIZRACHI
                                                            , Ruth Frank, Menahelet

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