Page 30 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 30


     The Adas H. H. is the original group of the Chicago movement.

lts ·members have given le~dership and encouragement to the other

groups, as they formed both culturally and· financially. Among them
you will find top men· in the Torah V'Avodah and Jewish National
Fu.nd Campaigns. The Adas H. H. maintains the Ulam and conducts
Sabbath and Holiday Services which have become known for their
dignity and decorum. The group has established a noteworthy repu-
tation in aiding· every worthwhile cause through appeals at the Ser-


President ---···························································----Mr. Sam Shulman

Vice President           ............: .........................·•·····-·········Mr. Meyer S. Weiner
Recording Secretary                         _ _ _ _ _ _ _Mr. I. Blumofe

Corresponding Secretary - - - - ~ - - ·-----·······Mr. L. Kolom

Financial Sec~etary ----···············•:..................Michael S. Rosenblum

Treasurer ----·--------·············---Mr. · Louis Sklar

Mr. Saul Bell            Mr. Wm. U. ·Katz      Mr. Joseph Rolnick
Mr. Harry Brody                                Mr. David Rosenberg
Mr. Louis Brody          Mr. Harry Katz        Mr. Herzl Rosenson
Rabbi L. Chaim·ovitz                          · Or. David Sacks
Mr. Louis A. Cohen·      Dr. J. L. Kramer      Mr. Simon Sacks
Mr. Sam Eatman                                 Mr. Harry Schaffner
Mr. Jacob Fox            Mr. Albert Lansky     Rev. N. B. Schotz
Mr.. Sol Frank                                 Mr. Frank Shub
Mr. Morris Gedwe,iser    Mr. George Levin      Mr. Wm. Sieg~!
Mr. Selig Gedweiser      Rev. Harry Lomansky   Mr. Meyer Sinofsky
Mr. Adolph Go1d                                Mr. Pesach Stein
Mr; I-. M. Greenberg     Mr. Nathan Lomansky   Mr. David Weiss
Mr. Morris Grossman                            Rabbi Sol Zaiman
Mr. Sheldon Himmelfarb.  Mr. Ike Lipsitz       Mr. J. Zuckerman
Mr. Serr).el Jacobson
                         Mr. Jacob Matthew

                         Mr. N. Meyerowitz
                         Mr. Reuben .Novak

                         Mr. A. Patinkin

                         Mr. David Pielet

                         Mr. A. N. Polin
                         ·Mr. J. Robinson


Mr. & Mrs. Wolf Avrutin & Esther,       Sydelle Lefkowitz
       Laio & Rivka                     Mr. & Mr. Simon Pinkert
                                        Rabbi & Mrs. Jacob S. Rich & Family
Ben's Frµit Market                      Dave Rosenbaum
                                        Louis Shaevitz
Mr. & Mrs. Sol Hirshenson               Ann Shapiro
                                        Maurice Silver
Mr. & Mrs. Benj .. Horwitch & Stanley,  Ben Tepper
       Pearl & William                  Rabbi Hyman Dolgin

Jeffrey Allan Kriezelman
Shoshanna Kohn
Shoshanna Lefkowitz

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