Page 29 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 29


                     This group was org~nized in J9Jl, and has since been active raising

                   funds for Eretz Yisroel, and in keeping its members info1-med of the
                   aims and ideals of Hapoel Hamizrachi. Meetings are held at members'
                   ho~es, with special Culturals ·to mark J~wish festivals. Happy Day
                   Funds are Us~d to purcha~e J.N.F Golden Book inscriptions and t!ee
                   certificates are seni: members to commemorate happy occasions.

                   MRS. LOUIS .KOLOM............_..........................................,..........................,.....President
                   MRS. ALBERT PATINKIN.......,........·.,.....:......."......:............. 1st Vice President
                   MR.S; .·PHILIP PINKUS........,...................................................2nd Vice President
                   MRS. LOUIS ·•.BRODY..,.., ·Secretary
                   MRS. JOSEPH KURS:"·'···'.........................................................................,...:Treasurer .
                   MRS. BENJAMIN .HORWICH.....,........................,...........,..Firwncial Sec~etary

 S. ·Abel .        I. M. Greeilberg    · M. Margolis         I'{ Saffron

A.Abrams           B. ·. Grobstein •·  R. Markeson           A. Samiatesky
 E. Allswang
 B. Arorio.witz .  S. ·Hirshenson      S. Miller             Ch. Schwartz
                                                             R.·.- Schwarztein
 J. Babad          P. Hoenig           H. l\1i~kus·
· S. BaTach
                   J. Horwitz          L. C. Mishkin         D. Seaman
 L. Barrish>
 Mrs. Beezy        D. M. Jacobs·ori    R. Novak              0; Segal
 H. Burstein
 S. Chazin ·       L ·Jaffe.           F. Ogron              L Shapiro

 L. Chemers .      M. Kaluzna          D. Ogron              0. Shapiro
 M. Cohen
 AM.. Donn         · J." Kanter        E. Paley              S. ·Shulm:an
 S. Eatman
 M; Finkelstein ·  . -C. Kaplan        S. Patinkin           .G. Siegal

 M. .Fishmail      H. Kaplan           M. Pearh:n~           R. ·Siegal
 E. Fraizin
 N. Freidman       B. Karl             J. Pehnut             S. Siegal
 H. -Freed
 Z; Gedweis~r      S. Kati             S. Pinkert            S. S. Siegal

 J. Gershman       H. Katzin           A .!'.It Polin        .Wm. Siegel
 S. Glick .
. M; Goldberg      M. ·Keer            R. Portugal           M. Sinofsky

 P. Goldberg       .R. -Kellner        R. .Prale             L. Sklar
 R. Goldhaber
 R. Gollay         G. Kleiman          D. Rabinowitz         M. Solove
 J. Goldsmith
 C. Goodman ·      D. Kliers           S. Raitzek            S. Small

 R. Gordimer       K. Kramer           A Raskin              \: S. Smulson
 G. Gordon
 S. Graff          S. Kramer           L. Raskin             P. Stein
 L. Green                                                    ·C. Temkin
 A Greenberg       J. Lavin            S. Reich

                   W. Lavin            C. Riff               F. Tarasow

                   S. Lazar            ' J. Robinson         I. Turner
                                       J. Rolnick
                   · M. Lepkovsky                            Z. Wein
                   . M. Lerner                               ·. ; · M. Weiner
                                       B. Rooth
                   G/ Levin            ,>;ii M. Rose ·
                                       ·\ ,. A. Rosen        ·. S. H. Weinger

                   H. Levin                                  M. ·Wolfson

                   S. Levin            D. Rosenberg          N. Yablonsky

                   J. Lieberman        M. Rosenschein •.     S. Zaretsky

                   A Linderman         A. Rosenon ·          S. Zeslowsky

                   M. Lipman                H. Ross          F. Ziskin
                   I. Lipsitz          ,,'(:y. A. ·Rubinoff
                                                             J. Zuckerman

                   M. Malacoff         ·;~ D. Sacks

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