Page 32 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 32


     Hatikvah H. H. organiz.ed in October 1943, has steadily increased
its membership and progressed in fund-raising, cultural and social ac-
tivities. Meeting•culturals take place once a month in members' homes.

           President ...... ············-••..······················· ................................a•••••l\1aurice Robinson

           Vice President                                                   .. Mrs. H. Masak

           Vice President                                   ..........:.............Mrs. R. Colton

           Vioe President                                   .................................................Mrs. Sered

           Financial Secretary ----··-···.... ······'······----.....H. Glassenberg

           Publicity ·•········- ....... ·· ...............................'.................................Mrs. Freda Krash

           Happy Day ... ··-·····..············································""·· ................Mrs. Rose Klein

           Recording Secretary                              ..................1'\ilrs. Lillian Smith

           Corresponding Secretary                          .........._.............................Mrs. Kurt Stern

Rabbi & Mrs. S. Amster      Mr. & Mrs. H. Gerstein                          Mr. & Mrs. D. Pielet
                            Mr. & Mrs. Goldberger                           Mr. & Mrs. M. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. B. .·\ber~an                                                     Mr. & Mrs. H. Rosenson
                            Mr. & Mrs. H. Glassenherg                       Mr. & Mr~. Sered
Mr. & Mrs. Bloomst,•in      Mr. & Mrs. H. Golton                            Rabbi & lVlrs. H. Smith
                            Mr. & Mrs. H. Klein                             Mr. & Mrs. D. Wilk
Mr. & Mrs. H. Brody         Mr. & Mrs. 1. Kwalwasser                        Dr. & Mrs. K. Stern
                            Mr. & Mrs. N Lavin                              Mr. & Mrs. N. K:rash
Mr. & Mrs. S. Brody         Rev. & Mrs. H. Mosak                            Mr. & Mrs. L. Shapiro

Mr. <"< l\'Irs. S. Fishman  Mr. & Mrs. B. Muchnick                          Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Weiner
                            Mr. & .Mrs. B. Neumark
s.Mr. & Mrs. Frank
s.Mr. & Mrs. Futterman      Mr. & Mrs. Novick

Mr. & Mrs. H. ·Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. L. Friedman
Mr. & Mrs; F. Gerstein


      •Eva Aronson H.H. is one of the oldest groups in the movement and is com-
posed of young women, both single and married. l\r1ost ot the husbands of the
latter are members at large. The group meets regularly the first Tuesday of each
month in the Eva Aronson Memorial Room of the Ulam. 1107 Independence Blvd.
Our Judaic Heritage plays an important part in the cultural activities of the group.
All social affairs center about the Jewish Calendar Events. Chaveroth of the group
ar.e pledged to continue their efforts toward realization of the ideals of Torah
V'Avodah through practical accomplishments.

President  .............:......Etta Dulsky Kanz             K. T. V.......                                                     .'.\I..,ttie Klein

Vice President . ......................... .....Bess Glick  ]. N. F.                                                           Felman

Recording Sec'y ................Fay Berger Herman           Cultural ....... ...................Ruth Lansky Fhgkop

Corresponding Sec'y ,.................Hannah Morris         Social ..............................................Toby Green Fri.ed

Treasurer ..................Shirley Himmelfarb Factor       Happy Day . ---,---·······..Celia Barich

Membership ····---·----····················.Esther Cohen

Minnie ·charniss            Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam Balch                     Dr. and Mrs. '\I. Horowitz
Ruth Cywiak                 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ban                         Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kanz
Sophie Heend                Mr. and Mrs. Max Cooper                         Mr. and Mrs. Moris Kranz
Dora Karlin                 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Drebin                       Mr. ancl Mrs. A. Lansky
Sally Lauter                Mr. and Mrs. A. Epstein                         Mr. and Mrs. Max Packer
Reba Mallach                Mr. and Mrs. Harry Factor                       Mr. and Mrs. Max Resnick
Libbie Mazie                Mr~ and Mrs. Jacob Felman                       Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosenbaum
Fannie Miller               Mr. and Mrs. Kalmen Fligkop                     Mr. and M~s. Michael Sacks
Gertrude Pritzman           Mr. and Mrs. l\fax Fried                        Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sherman
Ida. Privulsky              Mr. and Mrs. David Gurewitz
Toby Sacks                  Mr. and Mrs Sol Herman

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