Page 31 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 31

NORTH SHORE                                   ·.          BNAI AKIVA
HAPOEL HAMIZRACHI                                       HAPOEL HAMIZRACHI

North Shore Hapoel Hamizrachi, after a very                Bnai Akiva H. H. has proved during the
successful year of activities, starts the new year
with even greater determination for. construc-          past year that Junior Hapoel Hamizrachi not
tive application to the task at hand. We pray           only prepares its chaverim to take their places
                                                        in- senior ranks, but even to surpass their goals
                                                        in all their activities. May the corning year
                                                        show even greater devotion to Torah

for a year of happiness for all.                        STANLEY KIEFFER, President
                                                        SHELDON ROBINSON, Vice President
       Mr. & Mrs. Samuel S. Berger                      EVE GROSS, Secretary
       Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Aberman                       MIRIAM 'POGRUND, Treasurer
       Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Aronson
       Mr. & Mrs. Paul Aronson                          Jean Barrish         Mr. & Mrs. N. Patinkin
       Mr. & Mrs. Sol .Aronson                          Irwin Brody         Florence Pincus
       Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mann                             Bonnie Berlman      Jerome Robinson
       Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Marmorstein                    William Greenberg   Minnette Raskin
       Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Spilky                        Selma Hellinger     Mr. & Mrs. J. Shub
       Cantor & Mrs. George Surlin                      Frieda Horowitz     Shirley Sklar
                                                        Lester Kolom        Mrs. A. Flanzer
                                                        Dina Konikoff       Miriam Waid
                                                        Jeanne Meckler      Selma Waid
                                                                            ·Arnold Weiner
                                                        Mrs. I. Naiman ·   · Mrs. N: ·Weiss.

                                                        Israel Nathan
                                                        Paul Nathan

            ETZION                                                 KOL.AM·
.HAPOEL HAMIZRACHI                                      HAPOEL HAMIZRACHI

    New group that we are, we look· forward                  Kol Am H. H. is a young couples group
with a deep sense of responsibility to the na-           formed in memory of Chavera Sonya Kolom,
ture of our task in commemorating one of the             of sainted memory. The group is guided and
most nacred names m Israel, Kfar Etzion,                 inspired by the memory of Chavera Sonya's
which ~as destroyed-.-temporarily-by heavy              · tireless devotion and zeal to the very last few
British ·guns· in the hands of an Arab Legion            hours of her life, for a Torah_ V'A~odah Zion.
from T ransj ordan. Our .aim is to build for full
restoration in Medinat Yisrael. Our sirn;:erest              The group meets. monthly on Sundays.
good wishes for a year of Geulah Shlei::na.
                                                                       -Mr. & Mrs. M. Abrams.
                Mr. & Mrs. H. Gitman                                     Mr. & Mrs. C. Bisk
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. N. Brody
                   Mr. & Mrs. N. Gordon
                 ·Rabbi & Mrs. B. Z. Hirshfield ·                   Mr. & Mrs. J. Broner
                  Rabbi & Mrs. B. Isenberg
                   Rabbi & Mrs. Newman                                  Mr. & Mrs. D. Goldberger
                   Mr. & Mrs. M. Pikelny
                   Rabbi· & Mrs. M. Primack                           Mr; & Mrs. H Kolom

                Rabbi & Mrs. A. N. Rine·                                Mr. & Mrs. D. Rubinoff

                   Rabbi & Mrs. D. Silver                            fyh; & Mrs. L. Schatz

                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. V. Shulman -
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. F. T annenbautn
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. M. Zuckerman

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