Page 25 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 25

Reprint. of Letter Which Appeared _in National Jewish Post

  EDITOR, NA'.['IONAL JEWISH PosT:                       sion this year and emerged from four days of de-
                                                         liberations cleansed from politicaf sin and re-
    I am one of the many who were painfully .            freshed in the purities of "A Cause that Refreshes."
 stricken by the realization that in. history's most
 crucial moment for Israel, Zionists in Pittsburgh          M. Z. Frank, had he attended our Convention
 found it possible to engage in "maneuverings" and       and had he heard the city-by-city report of activi-
 "machinations" that could possibly lead to "A           ties and pledges for application to the task com-
 Blow-hy-Blow~Account of Opposition and -Down-           mensurate with the crisis of the moment, would not
 fall." (N. J. P., July 2). I wonder if, after the       have had to "pinch'' himself to realize that "the
 more than 20 columns you gave to this Z.O.A.            peace an·d ultimate fate of Palestine lay in the
 Convention, and in view of your reputation for          balance."
 fairness, you would permit me a column or two
 for a "glow-by-glow" report of a National Conven-          Nor would Carl Alpert, had he seen the prom:
 tion that took place in Hurleyville, New York, at       inent .role played at our, Convention by ·Youth,
 the very same time that Z.O.A. met in pittshurgh.       seen "no outlets for their ability and no opportuni-
 I refer to the Annual Convention at Hapoel Ha-          ties for harnessing their creative energy." He wou_ld
 mizrachi of America, where approximately 600            have seen a situation diametrically opposite to the
 delegates assembled for deliberation on prompt          one where Zionist Youth was "eclipsed and elim-
 and effective assistance to Israel.                     inated by the monopolization of convention ma-
                                                         chinery by the oldsters." He would have witnessed,
    Hapoel Hamizrachi, as readers should know, is        rather, hundreds of young people dedicating them-
 the organization which supports the building of         selves -to the determination to rebuild Kfar Etzion,
 religious colonies in Israel and advocates an Israel    Ein Tzurim, Massuot Yitchak, Nevey Yaakov, Kfar
 based upon the principles and practices of our          Yavetz, :Kfar Darom, and any of the other Hapoel
 people's traditions. It feels that the least it has     Hamizrachi colonies that were either destroyed
 the right to expect, ii:i keeping with Democratic       after heroic Maccabean defenses or evacuated by
 principles, is that Religious Jews coming to Israel     Haganah orders.
 shall also find their place there. Perhaps it may
 he shocking to average American Jews, even those           He would have heard eye-witness reports of the
 who are not themselves religious, to learn tha~         militaristically incredible defeat inflicted by our
 with the exception of Hapoel I{amizrachi's 38           Tirat Zvi on invading. Arab hordes. He would have
 colonies, and with the exception of only a few          heard the report of a new colony now being set
 others, _the overwhelming majority of colonies in       up in Beth Shean Valley, by a group of religious
 Israel do not have kosher food, do not observe          boys and girls from New York and Chicago who
 the Sabbath, and do not give their children a re-       recently left for Israel, and an expressed determina-
 ligious education.                                      tion by all to help them in every conceivable way
                                                         to succeed in this historical undertaking.
    They wo1,1.ld, perhaps, be shocked, also,· to learn
 that many thousands of Jewish orphans who are              Nothing that is said here is intended to cast com-
 now coming into Israel will get no religious edu-       parative disparagement upon Z.O.A., which, in
 cation whatsoever if they are placed in the colonies    political -Zionism, has major accomplishments to
 of certain major organizations. This despite every-
 body's awareness that the murdered parents of           its credit. We of Hapoel Hamizrachi, however, q.o
these children would "turn over in their graves"
 were they to have some way of knowing what is           assert that while Z.O.A. is obviously in need either
 being done with their children.                         of reorientation or reconstitution in terms of its
                                                         objectives at this time, Hapoel Hamizrachi not
    In a visit to some of these colonies last year, I    only is not in need of reorientation but sees the
 saw a youngster who hadn't eaten for two weeks be-      clear and unmistakable necessity for renewed
 fore he made peace with the idea that in order to       efforts, with greater determination and vigor, to
 remain in Israel he must eat "Tarfuss." Hapoel          present to Jewry the meaning of its now-even-more
 Hamizrach-i does not yet have the support it needs      valid original orientation since inception.
 and deserves from American Jews to make avail-
 able facilities for all these children of religious        If my presentation of C!ur Convention proceed-
 background who should be in their colonies or           ings mistakenly gives the impression of semi-arro-
 Youth villages.                                         gant pride, the tone ·of this presentation must be
                                                         forgiven as the "Nachess" felt by one who saw a
    But getting back to our Convention .of Hapoel        large group of young co-workers rise to the occa-
 Hamizrachi of America, I am happy to report that        sion and resolutely set aside all "Yetzer Hara"
 our delegates at Hurleyville sensed, th:roughoo.t '     inclinations of conducting a "Politics-as-Usuar'
the four days of sessions, the seriousness of the        Convention in favor of selfless and non-political
 moment and the sacrndness of •the opportunity for       consideration of the needs of our Chaverim in
 service to Israel. I am happy to report, also, that     Israel.
though in earlier years our Conventions also suff-
 fered from politica~ tapeworms ate the heart .       We hope and pray that all future Conventions
 right out of our Conventions, we rose to the occa-      of the various Zionist groups will surpass us in
                                                         this direction.
, OCTOBER, 1948
                                                                        RABBI HAROLD P. SMITH, Chicag-;;-.-

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