Page 23 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 23


         By MOLLY SCHATZ


 My heart; 'tis an image of multitudinous feelings.
· Etched - - in the trials and the toil of chalutzim; in the blood •of European Jews ·

 Dead a.nd dying; in Israel's historical · redemption in my day.
 Israel once again a .Jewish Homeland; a sanctuary of G-d_


 N.ow sending forth its courageous message of rene~~d faith,
            .reborn .h~pe for a new life

 "Arise, ·Israelites, exiles; beseech ·worthiness of this great redemption. .
 Teach and live anew the precepts of ·a G-d fearing people." .

Yea, we fought lest we betray our past leaders, our freshly-buried martyrs.

Israel mtist heroically symb~lize the triumph of Right over evi might.

Structur~s for living, for learning, for labor, for worship, .rise .

Resplendent      with'  the  boundless               joy  and  pride           of  a  nation  rededicated.

                                                  .                         .         .-                  .

·· And yesterday's heritage, today's sacrifice, must bring tomorrow's Glory.

Efface, oh Israel the spectre of two thousand empty, t~agic Galut years.

Live on, oh Israel, in Divine fulfillment of an historic Destiny.

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