Page 58 - HaMizrachi #29 Yom HaAtzmaut 2021 USA
P. 58


                                                                                   Dr. Yocheved Debow

                How to Talk to Your Children

               about Intimacy and Sexuality

                e recognize that imparting   2.  Don’t make speeches – listen! We     move to greater commitment in
                our values to our children      learn a lot from asking our children   tzniut as well.
       Wrequires time and thought-              questions and understanding what   8.  Strive to help your children be aware
       ful education. However, in the area of   they think and know about intimacy    that Judaism’s approach to relation-
       sexuality and relationships, we are often   and sexuality.                     ships between men and women is
       silent.                               3.  Always tell the truth. You do not    not because Judaism views sexual-
       This communicates an important mes-      need to tell the whole truth, but     ity as bad; quite the opposite. It is
       sage. Not talking about sexuality, espe-  whatever you tell must be the truth,   because it sees sexuality as some-
       cially when it is so prevalent in movies   otherwise you lose your status as   thing so wonderful, powerful and
       and the media, gives an implicit message   “askable” parents.                  good that it needs to be limited so as
       that parents, or perhaps Judaism, is at the   4.  Help your children differentiate   to maintain its intensity and passion.
       very least uncomfortable or, worse, has   between private and secret. Keeping   9.  Modern society is grappling with
       nothing positive to say about sexuality.   something private is usually about   many questions about gender and
       If our children are to view a Torah life-  choosing boundaries and staying     sexual  identity.  These  questions
       style as relevant, they must experience   comfortably within them, so that we   impact on and can be confusing to
       Torah as addressing issues that concern   share certain things only with cer-  our children. Help your  children
       them. Talking about sexuality and rela-  tain people on certain occasions. By   understand by discussing these
       tionships from a Jewish perspective helps   contrast, keeping something secret   topics with them and sharing your
       our children appreciate the wisdom and   is usually about actively hiding      thoughts, ideas and understandings
       relevance of Judaism to their lives.     something, often for fear of the      in these areas.
       Children need to learn developmentally   consequences of it being known. In   10.  Remember to share with your chil-
       appropriate, traditional Jewish concepts   general, privacy is good and secrets   dren how much the lifestyle we live
       of social, personal, and sexual develop-  are not.                             is one we have come to by choice,
       ment, beginning from an early stage in   5.  Children should learn about where   because we believe it to be good
       their own development and continuing     babies come from in different ways    for our bodies and our souls and
       through childhood and adolescence.       at different stages of their develop-  because it honors the fact that each
       They require a safe environment with     ment from their parents and not       of us is created in the image of G-d
       opportunity for discussions and ques-    from anyone else.                     – with spirituality and physicality
       tions, so they can acquire Torah-based   6.  Since children tend to develop phys-  intertwined.
       values these areas. They can then pro-   ically earlier than they used to, they   Ultimately, we parents need to keep lines
       cess the endless cultural messages they   should be learning about puberty   of communication open with our chil-
       receive, choosing which to accept and    and bodily changes before they    dren. We can help them feel respected
       which to reject through this prism of    happen.                           by confirming the very real challenges
       Torah-based values.                   7.  Tzniut is often the mitzvah that pro-  and concerns sexuality can present while
       Here are 10 tips for talking with our chil-  vides the greatest challenge to many   believing in their ability to navigate these
       dren about sexuality.                    of our daughters. It is unfair to mea-  challenges with dignity and commitment.
       1.  Language is important. Not just what   sure their religiosity on the basis of   Dr. Yocheved Debow  is the author of
          we say but how we say it makes a big   the very mitzvah that provides the   Talking about Intimacy: A Guide for
          difference. Give your children words   greatest challenge. If we can encour-  Orthodox Jewish Parents. She is the
                                                                                  Academic Principal at Midreshet Emunah
          that show respect for our bodies and   age their religious growth and com-  v’Omanut.
          our sexuality and that models a sense   mitment in all areas and continue
          of dignity and beauty with regards to   to educate toward commitment to      A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
          sexuality and intimacy.               halacha, they will likely gradually

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