Page 60 - HaMizrachi #29 Yom HaAtzmaut 2021 USA
P. 60


                                                                                      Rabbi Binny Freedman

            Lessons from Tzfat in 1948

       I  n 1948, things did not look promis-  two earlier. One of the fighters turned   had fled the quarter, and the miracle

                                                                                   legend of Tzfat was born.
          ing for the Jews.
                                             to one of his religious comrades asking:
          The Arab armies of Iraq, Egypt, Syria,
                                             How could He let it rain in May?”
       Lebanon, and forces from Morocco,     “Doesn’t G-d want us to come home?    This week’s parasha, Tazria, focuses on
                                                                                   the issue of tzara’at. Tradition teaches
       Tunisia, and Algeria prepared to attack   (Eventually fighters managed to cross   that tzara’at was the direct consequence
       the newly declared State of Israel as soon   the street under heavy gunfire and det-  of lashon hara and rechilut, evil speech
       as the British pulled out in May of 1948,   onate the explosives from close range,   and gossip, and as such it was an oppor-
       vowing to push the Jews into the sea.  but losing many men in the process. The   tunity for a person to do some intro-

       In Tzfat, where 80,000 Arabs surrounded   bullet holes still mark the walls where   spection and consider the error of his
       approximately 3,000 Jews living in the   this fierce battle took place.)
       Jewish Quarter, the Jews were braced   Meanwhile, down below, at the entrance   The Sefer HaChinuch points out (mitz-
       for the worst. Sure enough, as the British   to the Jewish Quarter, things were going   vah 168) that this particular process
       pulled out of Tzfat, thousands of Arabs   from bad to worse, and in desperation,   enabled us to recognize the power of
       armed with hunting rifles, knives and   the Jews decided to employ their last   Divine Providence, and relates to the
       clubs attacked the Jewish Quarter. The   resort.                            larger issues  of  destiny,  reward  and
       few hundred Jewish fighters were hope-                                      punishment, and the balance between
       lessly outnumbered and fierce fighting   Desperately short on arms, they had   the nature of miracles and the miracle
       broke out at the entrance to the Old City.  developed what they hoped would be   of nature.
                                             an answer to Arab armor and artillery.   As an example, one of the many signs
       The Citadel, the most important posi-
       tion in the city, with a strategic com-  The Davidka, (literally: ‘little David’) was   of tzara’at for which an expert Kohen
       mand of the entire area, was a British   essentially a home-built mortar. One   had to be consulted, was when a hair
       fortress, which the Jewish fighters had   could fill the Davidka with rocks, nails   on a person’s body turned a particular
                                                                                   shade of white (“like snow”) or yellow
       to take in order to survive. But the   and metal balls and, setting it off with   (like winter grass; see Vayikra 13:30).
       Arabs, with advanced notice from the   explosives, fire a deadly stream at the   And the Kohen’s challenge was not
       British, had already taken command of   advancing enemy. It was a brilliant idea,   only to find the correct shade, but to
       the Citadel. In a bold move, members   as it would allow the Jews to use readily   ensure that indeed there were two hairs
       of the Palmach (the fighting arm of the   available supplies to arm themselves.   which had turned white, and not one,
       Jewish underground Haganah) planted   Unfortunately, it did not work, barely   because when only one hair had turned
       explosives at the base of the thick Cita-  knocking a man down at close range. It   white, the person was not confined but
       del walls, determined to blast their way   did, however, produce an incredibly loud   remained in a state of ritual purity.
       through in a desperate attempt to save   explosion, and the Jews at this point had
       the Jews and establish a position from   nothing to lose. Faced with thousands of   Think about it: the difference between
       which to hold out against the furious   Arabs, and without even enough bullets   being a metzora and being pure was one
       Arab onslaught.                       to fire at them all, they fired the Davidka   hair on a person’s body.
                                             just as the rain began pouring down.   The Midrash in Vayikra Rabbah (15:3)
       Suddenly, just as they were ready to   And to their amazement, the Arabs
       detonate the explosives, a freak rain-  stopped, turned and ran.            shares a magnificent insight related to
       storm broke out, soaking the detonation                                     this detail of halacha:
       wires and preventing the explosion. This   Not quite understanding what was hap-  “You will not find a single strand of
       was May, the beginning of spring. The   pening, they fired the Davidka three   hair for which G-d did not create an
       rainy season usually ends a month or   more times until the entire Arab army   appropriate follicle in the skin, so that

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