Page 59 - HaMizrachi #29 Yom HaAtzmaut 2021 USA
P. 59
Rabbi Moshe Berliner
Yom HaAtzmaut
and Marriage
om HaAtzmaut, Israel’s Day of nations. Independence also means the the lives we lived the moment before
Independence: a remarkable day, freedom to be the kind of nation we we married. A wedding is a momentous
Ya day of Hallel for our spirit, and decide to be. act we celebrate each year. We mark our
mangal, the traditional Israeli barbe- As much as Yom HaAtzmaut is a cele- anniversary as the opportunity to cele-
cue, for our bodies. After 2,000 years, bration of our independence from the brate the extraordinary transformation
the Jewish people have regained sover- nations of the world, it is also a crucial our marriage brought to our lives. We
eignty. Atzmaut means independence. transformation in history which chal- embark together on a new chapter of
We live our national life in a world of lenges us to create the ideal Jewish soci- our lives.
interdependent nations, each having ety in Eretz Yisrael, the peoplehood that Moreover, celebrating our anniversary
the autonomy to act according to their G-d outlined in the Torah: םיִנ ֲ ה ּ ֹכ ת ֶ כ ֶ ל ְ מ ַ מ provides us with another challenge.
values and interests. Yom HaAtzmaut ׁ ש ֹוד ָ ק י ֹוג ְ ו – a kingdom of priests and a It should also imbue us with renewed
marks the restoration of our political holy nation. An independent Israel is to commitment to work together to build
independence. It proclaims our freedom be the unique homeland of our spiritual our marriage, to clarify the ideals which
to determine our fate within the family renaissance. It is vital that our goal in underpin our relationship, and to con-
of the nations of the world. Our return celebrating Yom HaAtzmaut be twofold. tinue to craft the distinctive life which
to national independence is a Divine- To maintain the sense of the miracle by expresses those values. That is the work
ly-given miracle. Like all miracles, it restoring our political freedom, and to of a lifetime.
took place in an historical context. We strengthen our resolve to build a Torah
celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut each year to society in the Land He returned to us. A wedding creates a new reality. It too
renew our gratitude to G-d for the pre- is a day of atzmaut, a day of separation
cious gift we have received. These two elements of independence from the status of being a single person.
are also reflected in marriage. Marriage It is also a day of independence for the
The word תּוא ָ מ ְ צ ַ ע is derived from the has its own Yom HaAtzmaut – the day couple to deepen their commitment to
root ם ֶ צ ֶ ע, which means the essence. of our wedding. When we marry, we each other and to continue to build their
Inherent in Yom HaAtzmaut are two transform our status from single people unique essence, as one.
different elements, both of which are into a married couple. Yesterday we were
crucial for Am Yisrael to live its essential distinct individuals living our own lives. Yom HaAtzmaut Sameach!
As separate individuals, we lived full
The first is for Am Yisrael to be inde- lives with goals to achieve and values
pendent from the nations of the world. to live by. When we marry, we create a Rabbi Moshe Berliner is an author, M.S.W.
We must be able to take responsibility new reality. We are a couple, a married and therapist specializing in family and
for our actions within the family of the unit. We act together, separate from marriage.
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