Page 19 - HaMizrachi YmYm 2020 FLIPv3
P. 19

was my first moment: that no love was   Am Yisrael Chai. That was my second   your father’s house”). That is what every
       ever as strong as between the Jews and   epiphany: the knowledge that what I   one of those people in Yemin Moshe
       Jerusalem.                           was seeing on that day in Jerusalem was   that afternoon had done.
                                            םי ִ ת ֵּ מ ַ ה  תַּי ִ ח ְּ ת, a collective people being
       The second happened on Jerusalem     bought back from death to life.      That was my third moment: never has
       Day a few years ago. Standing on the                                      a city had such power over a people’s
       streets of the city, I watched as young-  The third moment happened in early   imagination.
       sters from around the world, waving   1991. Having come to Israel prior to
       Israeli flags, sang and danced with a joy   becoming Chief Rabbi, Elaine and I   Never did G-d love a people more and
       that was overwhelming. As I watched   found ourselves in the middle of the   never were a  people  more loyal than
       the celebrations, I was overcome with   First Gulf War. Towards the end of the   our ancestors who endured 20 centu-
       emotion because suddenly I had a     war, one late Shabbat afternoon, we   ries of exile and persecution so that
       vision of the 1.5 million children who   were staying in Yemin Moshe when   their children or grandchildren or
       were killed in the Shoah. Not because   we heard beautiful music coming from   great-grandchildren could come home
       of anything they had done, not because   one of the houses a few doors away. We   to Jerusalem,  ׁש ֶ דֹ ּ ק ַ ה  רי ִ ע (the holy city),
       of anything their parents had done, but   went to see what was happening and   the home of the Jewish heart.
       because their grandparents happened   found a group of  Romanian Jews  – a
       to be Jews.                          choir – who had just made aliyah that   When we visit Jerusalem today and
                                            week. Soon it seemed as though all the   see a place of such beauty it takes your
       I remembered how 26 centuries ago,   residents  of Yemin Moshe had been   breath away. Jerusalem is the place
       the prophet Ezekiel had a vision of the   drawn to the sound, people who had   where all the prayers of all the Jews
       Jewish people reduced to a valley of dry   come to Jerusalem from all four cor-  across all the centuries and from all the
       bones. G-d asked shall these bones live,   ners of the world: America, Canada,   continents meet and take flight on their
       and  Ezekiel  saw  them  come  together,   Australia, South Africa, Eastern Europe   way  to  Heaven.  It  is  the  place  where
       take  on  flesh, and begin to breathe   and Arab lands.                   you feel brushed by the wings of the
       and live again. G-d promised Ezekiel                                      Shechina, the Divine Presence.
       he would open his peoples’ graves and   26 centuries ago, the prophet Jeremiah
       bring them back to the Land.         said that a time would come when     We have had the privilege to be born
                                            we  would  not  thank G-d  for  bringing   in a generation that has seen Jerusalem
       I remembered the first reference to   us out of the land of Egypt, but rather   reunited and rebuilt. We have seen the
       Israel outside the Bible on the  Mer-  for bringing our people together from   Jewish people come home.
       neptah Stele, a block of granite     all the lands of the earth. This second
       engraved  by  Merneptah  IV,  successor   exodus, Jeremiah described, would be   Today, G-d is calling on us all to be
       to Ramses II, thought by many to have   even more miraculous than the first.   Guardians of Zion. Never has this been
       been the Egyptian Pharaoh at the time   We lived to  see this day, when Jews   more important. We must all stand up
       of the Exodus.                       from 103 countries speaking 82 lan-  for the one home our people has ever
                                            guages came to Israel to build not just   known and the one city our people has
       It was an obituary, Israel is laid waste,   their  lives but the  Jewish homeland.   loved more than any other. We are all
       her seed is no more.                 After generations, it was Jerusalem that   ל ֵ א ָ ר ְ ׂשִי תַני ִ ד ְ מ י ֵ רי ִ ר ְ ג ַ ׁש (ambassadors for the

       I thought how some of the greatest   brought Jews together from all over the   State of Israel) and we must all make
       empires the world has ever known –   world as one people, in one voice, sing-  Israel’s case in a world that sometimes
                                                                                 fails to see the beauty we know is here.
       Egypt of the pharaohs, Assyria, Bab-  ing one song.
       ylon,  the  Alexandrian  Empire,  the   Whenever Jews remember Jerusalem,   Let us all take on that task. With G-d’s
       Roman Empire, the medieval empires   something good comes of it. When-    help, we will succeed. And we pray that
       of Christianity and Islam all the way to   ever they forget Jerusalem, bad things   the world make its peace with Israel so
       the Third Reich and the Soviet Union   happen.                            that Israel and  Israel’s G-d  can bring
       –  were  the superpowers  of  their  day                                  peace to the world.
       that  bestrode  the  narrow  world  like  a   So long as Jews remembered Jerusalem,
       colossus, seemingly invulnerable in   we knew we were still on a journey, one
       their time. And yet each tried to write   in which the Jewish people has been on
       the obituary of the Jewish people, and   ever since the first syllables of recorded   Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is Emeritus
       whilst they have been consigned to his-  time: “ךי ִ ב ָ א תי ֵּ ב ִ מּו ך ְּ ת ְ ד ַ לֹו ּ מ ִ מּו ך ְ צ ְ ר ַ א ֵ מ ך ְ ל ך ֶ ל,”   Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congre-
       tory, our people can still stand and sing   (“Leave your land, your birthplace and   gations of the Commonwealth
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