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               About Bernardon

               Established in 1973,  Bernardon is one of the      master planning, renovation/repositioning, historic
               top 10 largest architecture, interior design, and   preservation, and sustainable design.  We begin our
               landscape architecture firms in the Philadelphia   relationship with you by listening to your specific
               region, ranked as one of the top 100 design firms   needs, and we develop a customized professional
               in the Mid-Atlantic region; and among the top      services plan for you that will foster a collaborative
               300 architecture firms in the U.S.                 and innovative response from our unique team
                                                                  of practice-area experts.  Because we build
               The people of Bernardon are  impassioned           collaborative, lasting relationships, we continue to
               listeners, lifelong innovators, and imaginative    expand the integration of services to reflect the
               design leaders.  We continue to provide informed   growing needs of our clients and industry partners.
               design solutions that respond to the design goals
               of our clients, and we elevate the lives, productivity,
               and comfort of the users of those design solutions   Our Team
               through a process of listening, understanding,
               researching, synthesizing, and implementing.
                                                                  Our team of design professionals is a group possessing
               Our  people  and  our  process  are  responsible   an ideal mix of experience, design competency, and
               for  delivering  nearly  50  years  of  thoughtful   management ability with a high level of quality, client-
               designs for the markets we serve with a special    oriented project delivery, and local representation.
               area of expertise in the design of industrial/     A Principal of the firm manages each project
               warehousing buildings.  Our experience,            from start to finish, ensuring continuity of effort and
               combined with our creative and imaginative         provides for ownership-level leadership to enhance
               process, will assist you in achieving your unique   the “hands-on” project design and management
               expression of function, aesthetics, and financial   services which have come to define our firm’s 49-
               success.                                           year rise to prominence in the architecture and
                                                                  design community.
               We currently employ ninety-six (96) staff
               members:                                           As Principal-in-Charge,  Paul  Andrew  Sgroi,  AIA,
                                                                  LEED AP will  serve  as the  main point  of contact
                                                                  for the management of this project and the services
                  Registered Architects        26                 provided by the entire Bernardon team. He will
                  Interior Designers           16                 ultimately be responsible for design and technical
                  Landscape Architects          6                 quality, the allocation of firm resources, and client
                  Designers/CAD Technicians    38                 satisfaction.
                  Operations/Administration    10
                                                                  Kerry R. Haber, AIA, LEED AP will be involved
               Bernardon’s architecture, interior design, and     in providing subject matter expertise especially
               landscape architecture expertise provides the      as it relates to design and industrial building
               foundation of the array of complementary design    construction metrics.
               services we provide that include urban design,

               BERNARDON  |  Response to Request for Proposal for Design Services                          Page 1
               101 Independence Lane Associates LLC  |  August 5, 2022
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