Page 5 - Bernardon Proposal-101 Independence Lane
P. 5
Douglas Perry, AIA, LEED AP will serve as We will retain Paragon Engineering Services
Project Director collaborating closely with Paul to provide the scope of mechanical, plumbing,
relative to the tasks of organizing, executing, electrical, and fire protection (MPEFP) engineering
and coordinating project assignments, and at the design services, and we have incorporated
appropriate time, the preparation of design and their fee and services in this proposal. The fire
construction documents. In addition, Doug will suppression scope of work will be described using
serve as the communication liaison throughout a performance-based narrative. We understand
the project, not only for communication with that utilities to the site including the electrical,
representatives of 101 Independence Lane gas, water, and sewer capacities will be adequate
Associates LLC but also in-house with all design to support the new construction. Civil engineering
team members. will be provided by others under direct contract
with you. Our design team will coordinate the
Michael Welz, CSI, CDT will bring Bernardon’s building’s finished floor elevation, mechanical,
“fresh eyes review” quality assurance program plumbing, and electrical utility ingress/egress
and his 35+ years of experience to bear on behalf elevations and sizes with the civil engineer.
of 101 Independence Lane Associates LLC. Our
Quality Assurance Program is designed to build We understand 101 Independence Lane Associates
high quality into the design and construction LLC will engage a General Contractor (GC) or
documentation process and minimize the reliance construction manager (CM). The GC or CM will
on last-minute error detection. be responsible for scheduling and coordinating all
construction-related activities.
The Bernardon team will be further supported
by members of our 96-person design firm. This
level of talent and depth allows us to provide the
necessary manpower and support to complete
this project in a timely manner.
We will retain TD&H Engineering to provide
structural engineering services, and we have
incorporated their fee and services in this proposal.
Documentation of the wall panel embedments and
layout, as well as the design of the panel to support
the erection and lifting conditions, will be provided
by the installing contractor. We have assumed
that conventional spread footings are adequate
to support the building loads. We recommend
that you engage a geotechnical consultant to
confirm the soil bearing and underlying conditions,
recommended foundation system, and seismic site
coefficient prior to the structural system design.
BERNARDON | Response to Request for Proposal for Design Services Page 2
101 Independence Lane Associates LLC | August 5, 2022