Page 4 - Bernardon Proposal-Harmony Biosciences
P. 4
Project Approach
Project Understanding Phase One: Pre-Design/Program/Block Plan
Jeffrey E. Mack is the Leasing Agent and Sandra ■ Meet with Harmony Biosciences to establish
Benek is the Project Manager, both of whom work for team responsibilities, methods of approval,
Newmark, and they are assisting Harmony Bioscience project procedures, and schedule requirements.
in its search for new space. ■ Consult with Harmony Biosciences to
determine criteria and objectives regarding
Harmony Biosciences is a corporate tenant currently design directive, and assist with determining
located in approximately 20,000+ SF of leased space project objectives. Additionally, develop
and that lease is scheduled to expire in 2023. Harmony outline specifications to be used by contractors
Biosciences is seeking an architectural firm to guide to obtain preliminary project budgets.
them through the steps of verifying their program ■ Tour Harmony Biosciences existing office
and required square footage exploring relocation for space and review the space allocations and
their Corporate Headquarters. operational work flow that may impact the
project design.
Scope of Services ■ Conduct walk-through survey to evaluate
Bernardon will begin the design process utilizing existing work flow, existing furniture systems,
the information gathered from our walk-through finishes, lighting, and ceilings.
and client and programming meeting. The current ■ Conduct interviews with key Harmony
Harmony Biosciences space is fragmented among Biosciences staff to gain information regarding
floors; they are looking to create a more cohesive space program, project growth, or reductions
corporate headquarters to address their growing in organizational changes, including but not
needs. Through the programming phase, Bernardon limited to:
shall verify their square footage requirements for a
targeted 30,000 SF. Our Interior Design Team will • Size and function of departments and
be supported by members of our talented 95-person business units;
design firm, which allows us the necessary manpower • Document space use by department and
to approach your project with a high level of quality business units;
and timeliness. • Requirements for offices, workstations, and
common-use areas;
Through a collaborative approach (DREAM), • Requirements for special areas and support
Bernardon will meet with Harmony Biosciences spaces;
stakeholders to gain knowledge about their culture, • Review adjacency priorities within
work flow, and design objectives (DESIGN) and departments, work flow, and
carry it through into a successful office environment communications; and
(SUCCEED). • Qualitative analysis of Harmony Biosciences
requirements and expectations.
BERNARDON | Proposal for Professional Design Services Page 2
Harmony Biosciences, LLC – Interior Fit-Out | March 24, 2022